Chapter 3

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After the boys' photoshoot they hung out for a while because we didn't have anymore photoshoots for the rest of the day, thank goodness. I was in the corner talking with Brandon, Edwin and Itzel were sitting on one of the benches we had inside, and Liz was talking to Zion. Hm, surprising. Nick and Austin were talking to my mom as they went through my camera.

"How long have you been modeling?"

"Since I was 15, so three years."

"Wow. Is it fun?"

"I guess. Sometimes it's not as fun especially considering my mom is my boss. But having my friends makes it better."

"What about having your face in almost every makeup store in the mall?"

"Well, I do get free discounts sometimes, so that part isn't all bad." I say smiling. Brandon laughs.

"What about photography? How long have you been into it?"

"Since my freshman year of high school. I signed up for the Yearbook committee just so I could get out of class, but after I started taking pictures for a while, I saw that I was actually good at it. So I studied cameras, how they work, the history of them, how to enhance them, I just formed a passion and it kind of stuck."

"So what if you had to quit one, what would you do? Modeling or Photography?"

"Photography. Definitely. I see a great future with both, but my heart will always be set on photography. Although I love photography, I'd have to quit that one because my mom doesn't want me to do it."


"She thinks that photography isn't the best I could do."

"But she owns a modeling agency, she even said you were the best in the industry."

"She does and I am, but she thinks modeling is better, it'll give me a chance to travel the world. A chance to meet so many famous celebrities that are models, singers, artists, and maybe bigger modeling agencies."

"You could get just as far as a photographer."

"Try explaining that to her. But anyways, let's talk about you. How did you come together to form a band with all your friends? Have you always been a singer?"

"No actually. I was sort an actor first?"


"Yea, have you heard of the show Majors and Minors?"

"Uh yea, my mom and- yea she always told me how she used to watch it." I look down and smile to myself.

"Well, that's kind of where I started. The show got cancelled after a while, then I got into dancing. I was actually really good at it, and I joined this dance crew called TruCrew."

"Wow a dancer and a singer. A boy of many talents." Brandon smiles and my stomach fills with butterflies.

"Heh, that's not all either." My eyes widen as I smile " After dancing for a while I started singing. I'd put out a lot of covers and I wrote a few songs, I still do. I became a professional producer for a while and then Simon kind of brought the five of us together. We got along really well, and since we all had a passion for singing we thought why not make a band."

"Wow you've done a lot. So what titles are you sticking to now?"

"Just professional singer/songwriter, dancer, and producer right now. I can dance good, but maybe not good enough to be a choreographer, yet."

"How do you make all of those things sound so simple?"

"What do you mean?"

"That sounds like it's a lot of pressure on one person. All these lines you have to remember in songs, writing songs themselves, learning dance moves in the right order and making sure they stick and-"

Just A Model // B.M.L.ATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon