Chapter 4

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I sit down in a chair as my mom sits at her desk. She rubs her eyes before they meet with mine.

"What have I told you ab-"

"That they're a distraction! Yes I know, you say it every time I look at a guy."

"So what was that I just saw?"

"Brandon giving me a hug." I say in a 'duh' tone.

"I told him not to touch you and I thought you would have enough discipline to back away from him."

"Maybe he had a good reason." I snap.

"What reason would that be." My mom snaps back lifting an eyebrow.

"You really don't pay attention do you?" I laugh "If you haven't noticed, my eyes are red and my makeup is partially smeared because I was crying. Brandon was being a good freind and tried comforting me."

"What in the world could you possibly be crying about? You're life is perfect."

"No it's not mom!" I shout.

"What is possibly wrong with your life. You're a model and a photographer, against my better judgment, you live on your own and you're making more money than a normal teens monthly salary."

"Well one, my dad is dead if you haven't realized it yet!! Yea, I'm a model, but I can't eat anything I want, I can't do anything I want to because I have to stay like this!" I say motiong towards my body " I live on my own, but you know it doesn't really feel like it mom!"

"What do you mean?"

"You show up to my door every fxcking morning to wake me up like I'm a ten year old and you don't leave! You treat me like I can't do anything for myself! I'm 18 I don't need you at my house every single day. I spend enough time with you here as it is. And it's not even like you're being a mom! My boss is at home and at work! You shouldn't even be at my apartment!"

"I have worked to get you everything you have!"

"No you haven't! You weren't even the boss of this company when I was hired! I got this job on my own and I made money on my own! I bought my apartment and everything in my apartment on my own!! You may have hired me as a photographer after you got hired, but that's all you've done for me! And even with that you don't support me! Believe it or not your opinion matters to me and when you won't even listen to how I feel or about what I want it actually hurts."

"Yea right." I sigh heavily and lean back.

"Dad would've listened to me."

"What was that?"

"I said dad would've listened to me! He actually cared about my decisions and what I wanted to do with my career and he supported me unlike you."

"I do support you!"

"No you really don't. You support the career that you like. Not the one that I like. I would rather do photography then model. Have you ever realized that? NO! Because you are so caught up in this fantasy that your daughter will be some famous model and make millions, but that's not what I want to do mom."

"I don't care. You are a model. Not some silly photographer. That career will get you nowhere in life."

"You know what mom, this is getting in nowhere in life." I stand up abruptly and grab a key off my mom's desk.

"You walk out on modeling and your career will be over."

"I'm not walking out on modeling. I'm walking out on you. I'm so done with this." I slam the door and walk out angrily. Itzel and Liz were around the corner. I walk past them and they run after me.

Just A Model // B.M.L.AWhere stories live. Discover now