Chapter 14

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"Maybe I should..." I say chuckling before connecting my lips with Kay's. I slowly trail my hands to her waist then slip my thumbs underneath the hem. 

I pull away and look at Kay. She pouts and looks back at me. "I love you." I say smiling. She gives in and smiles back.

"I know Brandon." She says giggling.

"No, like...I really love you. I'm in love with you Kay." Kay smiles widely. 

"I'm in love with you too. I just sorta wish we didn't have to hide it from my mom..."

"Well then...Why don't we tell her?"

"Are you crazy?! She'll kill me."

"But why? Because you want to have a nice relationship. Kay,'re old enough to choose things for yourself."

"Yea, I know...but I care about my mom's opinion a lot. Even if she doesn't care about half the things I do."

"But she pisses you off half the time and the other times you don't even want to be around her."

"But she's still my mom... Please Brandon...let's just enjoy this for a little longer."

"Okay, I won't say anything..."

"Thank you. Now where were we?" Kay asks flirtatiously as she connect her lips with mine again. But of course something had to ruin it. My phone rings. I try to ignore it, but Kay pulls away and looks at me. I sigh, roll my eyes and grab my phone from Kay's room.

"You could be my teacher! You could be my boss!" My phone rang. I knew it was Zion, it was his favorite song. I answer with a sigh lingering in my voice.

"Hey Z, what's up. Kay and I were in the middle of something."

"I need to talk to Kay." He says quickly.

"Uh, why?"

"She's not answering and I need some advice about girls." I laugh before walking abck to Kay and handing her the phone.

"Hey Zion, what's going on?"

"Okay, so I called Jade and she sounded upset. I asked if she was okay and she said 'I'm fine.'"

"Yea, she's not okay."

"I got that...but what do I do?"

"Bring her some of her favorite snacks and just comfort her. That's all she really needs."

"Okay...Thanks Kay."

"No Prob." Kay hands me my phone back.

"Later Z."

"Later bro." I hang up and stuff my phone in my pocket. I look over at Kay and she looked sleepy. 

"You sleepy baby?" I ask smiling down at her. She slowly nods and yawns. How can one girl be so beautiful? I sweep Kay up in my arms and take her to her room. I slip off her shirt and shorts and she snuggles underneath the blanket. I take off my shirt and pants and slip under the cover with Kay. She was lying facing towards the window. I wrap my arms around her waist and lay my head on her shoulder. I felt her body shiver as I touched her skin. Kay and I's legs tangled together.

After a few minutes I hear silent snores from Kay. I smile and fall asleep not to long after.


I wake up to a quiet buzzing. I slowly shift and look at my phone that was sitting on the night stand. It was an unknown number. I answer.

"Hello, Brandon Arreaga speaking."

"Brandon! Hey babe."

"Ch-Charlotte?" Kay shifts in her sleep and I hear a small moan escape her mouth.

"Ding ding ding!" I slowly slip out of bed and walk to the living room.

"Why the hell are you calling me? How did you even get my number?"

"I have my ways. Anyways, I've heard you have a new girlfriend?"

"Yea, why?"

"Well, why would you choose her over me?"

"Because she's great?" I say in a duh tone. I hear Charlotte scoff.

"But you could obviously do way better."

"Oh yea? With who?"

"With me silly! We both know you miss little old me."

"No not really Charlotte. Anyways, great catching up, but bye!"

"Brandon Arreaga don't you dare hang up-" I hang up. I sigh and run my hand through my hair as I set my phone down on the kitchen table. I turn to see Kay standing in the doorway.

"Brandon..." She says in a soft, questioning tone.

"Kay, baby, you're awake."

"Yea, and who were you talking to?" I could see pain in her eyes. It broke me.

"Uh, this girl Charlotte. She's no one."

"Then why was she calling you?" Kay ask walking closer to me. I try to keep a straight face, but it was hard considering she was still in just underwear and a bra and It looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"She- um she needed something."

"And that was?" I was silent "Brandon, I know when you're lying to me. Stop dancing around the answer. Who is Charlotte?"

"She's..." I take a deep breath. "She's one of my ex's. I don't know why she called me or how she called me. She was telling me that I should leave you for her, but I didn't listen. I'm sorry for lying, I just thought you would be mad at me if I told the truth." I say quickly. Kay walks up to me and places on of her hands on my cheek. I freeze as she stares into my eyes. She smiles lightly and I could feel my heart race.

"Brandon, sweetie, you don't have to lie to me. I know you would never cheat on me. Besides..." Kay pulls me down and leans into my ear "I can do you way better..." She whispers. I feel a tingle go down my spine and goosebumps form on my skin. Kay pulls back and looks at me before pecking my lips lightly. She smiles before turning back towards her room. I grab her wrist and pull her back towards me roughly. She giggles as her body touches mine. "Knew it." She says smiling. I smirk and tighten my grip around Kay's hips. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and tangles her hand in my hair. "You gonna kiss me or what?"

"Oh, I'm going to do way more than kiss you." I say in a low growl. "Jump." I say in the same tone. Kay does so and smiles widely and giggles. I look up at Kay as I carry her to her room and peck her lips multiple times. She giggles even more. I feel my cheeks heat up even more every time I see her smile. Once we get to her room I shut the door with my foot and lock the door before lying Kay down on her bed and slowly climbing on top of her. 

This is going to be fun.

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