Chapter 20

417 13 3

The Weekend 


I wake up and feel my body slowly rising and falling. Strong arms were wrapped around my waist and I felt safe. I open my eyes to see Brandon's sleepy face. His mouth was slightly parted and a few strings of hair hung loosely over his eyes. I smile and cup Brandon's cheek with my hand. I run my thumb over his cheekbones as I watched his eyelashes flicker. I snuggle back into Brandon's body and fall into a deep sleep.

"Dad, I don't understand why we're here."

"Well..." My dad lead me into the camera isle of Best Buy with cheery eyes. "I'm getting you your own camera."

"I don't want my own camera. It's not like I'm any good." My dad knelt down in front of me and locked eyes with me. A small smile formed on his lips and he looked at me. I could see dark bags under his eyes and his face was more droopy than usual, but I didn't pay attention.

"I know what you can do Kayla. You are an amazing photographer. I see potential, I know its in you." I smile at my dad and help him to his feet.

"Thanks dad... mom's never told me anything like that..."

"You've got me Kayla. I promise I'm not leaving you."

But you did... You promised you wouldn't, and you did.


I wake up to an empty bed. Kay's spot was still warm so she had left not too long ago. The door was shut with a sticky note stuck to the outlining board, probably saying where she went. I stand up and stretch before walking over to the door and reading Kay's note.

~ Hey B! I headed to the store to buy some stuff for today! I called Simon and you guys have the next week off! Please fix up the living room, the guys are coming over later. See you in a few! Love you baby <3 !

"Alright." I quickly fix up the living room and wait for Kay to come home. I pull out my phone and open my messages.

Thanks for yesterday

No problem! I hope Kay liked the "gift". But why couldn't you get it?

I felt weird...

How do you think I felt?!

Sorry, I owe you one though

Thanks B, but you're my brother, it's fine. But I'm NEVER helping you with another one of your kinks.

It's not a kink!

That's what they all say

 Whatever, later sis

Later bro.

The door opens and Kay walks in with bags on each arm. Zion had Kay's house key in hand as he holds open the door for the rest of the guys. I stand and help Kay place her groceries on the counter. "Hey baby." I say lightly pecking Kay's lips. She smiles softly and looks away. I shake my head and laugh. It always amazes me how Kay and I have been together for almost 6 months and she still gets flustered when I kiss her in front of our friends.

"Morning B." Kay says as she places her phone down on the counter.

"So what are you guys doing here?"

"Road trip!!!" Zion shouts loudly. I cock my head to the side and glance at Kay. Edwin hits Zions arm and mumbles something I couldn't hear.

"Kay wanted to tell him."

Just A Model // B.M.L.AWhere stories live. Discover now