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"So, what's up buttercup?" Daniel questioned, trying to cheer me up out of this post-nightmare state.
"I'm fine Daniel. Nothing is going on." I stammered. Daniel didn't believe me.
"Oh cmon, just tell me, you can trust me you know," Daniel said convincingly, I couldn't tell him; this was something he could never know, yes I know I kissed him only a few hours ago but I still don't trust him enough to get on my vulnerable side.

"Don't worry Dani its nothing," I said with a fake smile before looking back at all the homework I had. Daniel suddenly ran out his room and slammed the door begging him. Wonder whatever that's all about. I get back to my work and try to disregard what Daniel had just said. As soon as I got back to work my bedroom door crept open, I slowly turned my head to see Daniel in his pyjamas standing in my room. Almost falling off my chair once again, Daniel rushed over in the nick of time and caught me.
"Hey, you good bro?" Daniel chuckled giving me an imaginary survey; I looked into his soft blue eyes as he was still holding onto me and fell into a small trance. suddenly daniels eyes shifted into confusion and ni instantly got up. "seriously though, are you okay Haven?"

"yeah yeah, I'm all okay Dani boy," I said a little bit too sarcastic. Daniel still looked unconvinced, he grabbed my wrist and brought me closer to him, so tight in fact there was almost no space between us. Suddenly without hesitation, I kissed Daniel. It felt passionate, yet soft. I had no idea what I was doing, but it seemed right. the kiss only lasted a few seconds because I think Daniel had no idea what I was doing. Daniel responded with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and hid my face from him. As i looked back at my clock it was almost four thirty in the morning; I must've been a complete mess. Daniel looked perfect in the dim light of my desk lamp. "oh jeez, look at the time, sorry but I have to get to bed haven, we have an interview at nine, so I need some energy for this. goodnight beautiful." I giggled at the last things he said as I flopped back onto my bed in complete happiness and shock, what actually just happened? I kissed Daniel, again!

✔︎ Just  a Neighbour || Daniel SeaveyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant