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It had been three years since I was placed in my step dads house, I call them that because they mean so much to me. It was finally my time to move back to Los Angles; I had outgrown the small cottage, I did have the house out in LA meaning I could go whenever.

I had a decent job being a youtuber and Instagram model, meaning I was going to be able to afford the place. As I said my final goodbyes to Andrew and Collin, I had my car packed up and ready to leave. Looking back at the small cottage I had called home for the ending of my childhood was somewhat sad but I knew I was supposed to live in LA.

As I drove back to La the ling drive was happily accompanied my little kitten Ebony by my side, I had listened to so much music on the trip I had almost memorized each word of the songs on my playlist which has consisted of over three hundred songs. About an hour out of Los Angeles a song I couldn't expect ever had come on to the radio, Trust Fund Baby; A song I hadn't ever heard on yet the voices singing it was so incredibly familiar.

It took me a few verses to finally realize who was signing the sing but the second I recognized it was none other than Why Don't We I put my car to an abrupt stop. I opened my trunk searching for a bag filled with some of my memories, within a few minutes of looking I had finally spotted what I was looking for; The picture frame with a photo of the boys was in my hand bringing a flood of memories together. I had forgotten entirely this day but remembering this made a single tear drop onto the frame. As I looked at the picture I saw Daniel as silhouette up in a window at their house, just as I remember he seemed very upset; my memory as to why was very dull, yet I could remember that we had gotten into some fight that day resulting... I have no idea.

Stepping Back into the driver's seat I placed the picture beside Ebony, she meowed and sat back down on it. For the rest of the drive back the boys were always on my mind, what if I saw them again? What would I say? They probably hate me now. These thoughts surrounded my mind and the closer I got to my house the more anxiety was overtaking my brain.

Around the corner to my house, I felt a shiver of heartbreak down my spine. I looked over at Ebony who was sleeping peacefully above the glove compartment in the sun. Once I had finally parked in the driveway, I was relieved to see no cars in the boys' road. I got ready to unpack when there was a sudden loud noise of a vehicle nearing; Swiftly I Moved the car into the garage and closed the door right before a large black van pull up to the house next to mine, I took a sigh of relief and got back to unpacking.

Ebony was running around the house in compete for exploration, she hid in shadows and hopped from one window to another. I laughed at how excited she was. While bringing my things into my room, I noticed loud sounds were coming from the place across from mine. I distanced myself from that side of the room just in case they were able to see me at all.

As the last few boxes were laying around in the kitchen and living room, I took a deep breath remembering my life in this house. The day I moved in with Luna bugging me about the 'cute boys' who lived next door, my encounter with Daniel, and lastly, the day I found my mother lying dead on the floor. I shook my head trying to remove the memory from my head and went over to the kitchen to make myself some food.

The next day rolled around quickly; I fell asleep almost the second I hit my bed and Ebony was also cuddled my side as I walked into my room. Once I woke up I had the sudden urge to walk over to Starbucks; it was only seven in the morning meaning I could get a hike in on the way also. I got ready and stepped out my house taking in the refreshing LA air.

Once I got to the top of the hills, there was a perfect view of all of the city. Light from the sun only just beginning to brighten up and a feeling of hopefulness in the air.

As I reached the Starbucks I noticed the shop was decently empty, only around four other people and a barista there, I stepped in causing the door to make a cute little ring above my head. I walked up to the cashier and ordered myself an iced cappuccino and a chocolate cake pop. While waiting for my order to be called, someone walked into the store.

"Order for Haven," the barista called bringing the boys attention straight to me. He looked at me with an emotion I couldn't figure out at the time, I grabbed my items and walked cautiously towards him.

H-hey, Haven. Is this you," he asked obviously very confused on to what was happening. I laughed and nodded, Daniel embraced me into a sudden, I hugged back, and we stood there for a few minutes. "so, do you want to go see the rest of the guys? When did you get here?" Daniel bombarded me with questions, I patiently answered all of them and even told him about me avoiding being spotted yesterday. He seemed hurt but hid his emotions with a smile.

Once Daniel drove back to there house I felt uneasy, what if they never wanted to see me again? The thoughts soon left my mind as I remembered what they said to me right before I moved. Before I could reorganize my feelings, I was suddenly bombarded with hugs.

"We missed you, idiot," a voice I could obviously say was jack's said into my ear; his curls tickling the side of my face

"I can't believe you're back," another voice said, of what I presumed was Jonah's. Many more things were mentioned during the hug when I noticed Daniel standing on the side patiently waiting for us to finish. I couched which finally seperated everyone from me.

We all headed inside and ordered three pizzas, what can I say I'm in a house full of guys. While hanging out re-watching harry potter once again, Daniel pulled me aside up to his room urgently.

"Look, I'm so sorry for not saying goodbye and for the past three years I've wanted so much to see you again. I missed you more than you probably missed me and that day I stormed off was entirely uncalled for, I promise ill be here for you and never-" I cut Daniel off by jumping onto him and giving him the biggest hug possible. He immediately caught me, and as I placed my head on his shoulder, every single memory with Daniel and I came back, our first kiss, when he asked to be my boyfriend and so much more.

I smiled as I faced Daniel once again, "you did nothing wrong, Dani, I've missed you too." He had a gleam in his eyes that I haven't seen in forever, I stared into his eyes for longer than I wanted. Daniel looked into my eyes but his gaze flickered towards my lips, I noticed and crashed my lips on to his.

We moved in sync as if we were never apart; It felt so familiar but it was a whole new experience at the same time. Once we separated I looked back into Daniels beautiful eyes and knew one thing for sure, this boy was going to be in my life forever.



And that's it, guys! Thank you all for the support for this book, and I am so grateful to say this is my favourite storyline made so far!

Instead of adding chapters in the future for view goals and things like that, I will say however many views this book gets I am so happy to have. There will be no more updates but if you like this book I recommend my other books such as a choices book that is also complete and a Zach fan fic I am almost finished writing. (which I just hit 2k on!)

Thank you for 1k, 2k, 3k, if we even get there and many more! If you enjoyed the book please show to friends and other people. of course, vote and comment like usual, and if there are book ideas, you think I should write either comment the ideas or PM me also.

Only if I do get enough support on this story will I maybe make a sequel, do not have your hopes up but if I see many people actively asking me and such I might.


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