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I woke up smiling once again; It had been three weeks of dating Daniel, and I've been so happy. I got dressed in something cute and casual before walking downstairs to see my mom passed out on the floor. I ran over to her in a panic; her breathing was slow and weak, I couldn't feel any pulse. I screamed out in agony before calling 911 immediately. 

It took only five minutes for the ambulance to get to my house. The paramedics took my mom away in the vehicle but said I couldn't go with them; this, of course, saddened me more. After they left Daniel and the rest of the boys ran out of their house worried, they came over to me and I was already a crying mess asking me so many questions. I told them everything I knew that I woke up saw my mom on the ground close to dead and then she was taken away. Daniel Cuddled with me on the ground as I calmed down a bit, he brushed his hand through my hair which seemed always to make me feel better.

"Hey, why don't we just go to the hospital and wait for your mom there," Corbyn suggested. I jumped to my feet and ran to their car. Sitting in the front with me was Jonah because we all knew he could be trusted the most with driving a car. The rest of the guys stuffed in the back with Zach all alone at the very end. 

Speeding through LA was pretty easy, and we arrived at the hospital in only fifteen minutes. "hi, yes I'm looking for Sarah Conley, my mom. She arrived here today," I mumbled at the front desk lady. She checked her computer for something before telling us she was in surgery right now and we'd have to wait a few hours. I sighed and went to sit down with the rest of the guys who were already seated. The chairs were extremely uncomfortable especially when the whole waiting room was packed, yet none of that bothered me. The only thing I could think about was my mom might not be ok at this moment. I was sitting beside Daniel with my head on his shoulder, Jack on my other side with Corbyn beside Daniel and Jonah and Zach sitting across from us.

An hour and a half later a nurse came out holding a clipboard towards up, we all sat up and eagerly waited for her to tell us what happened. She took a deep breath and said,

"I'm sorry to say, but Sarah Conley passed during her surgery at exactly eleven twenty-three am," I burst into tears the second the words came out of her mouth. "I am so sorry for your loss."

All the boys engulfed me in a huge group hug it felt so nice knowing I had at least some people to support me right now. my only question now is, what's going to happen to me?

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