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I woke up the next day and instantly was reminded of the events that happened earlier that night. Daniel was probably just sleep deprived, and so was I. I thought nothing of it and got ready for school.

As the day went by I couldn't get Daniel out of my head. I had a math test earlier in the day, and there were doodles of his name everywhere after I finished, does that make me obsessed? Maybe, but who wouldn't be fathomed entirely with the gorgeousness of Daniel Seavey? Walking home, Daniel was still in my mind. As I passed him and the rest of the boy's house I tried to forget about him. Daniel was taking over my mind because of only one night. I got up to my room and instantly looked over at his window; nobody was there, and it got me curious. Daniel is usually there waiting for me, but today it felt off. I decided to text him

Me: hey 

me: Dani boi

Me: can you answer?

Me: hello?

Me: fine.

Read - 4:23pm

 Again, it felt off, what was he doing now? Anyways I got back to the stack of homework on my desk once again; this seems familiar... 

As my homework got more and more boring I got to procrastinating; I was googling cute boys on google images to distract myself. As I was scrolling through the many beautiful boys, I came across a picture of this one boy, maybe 13 or 14 on American Idol. He looked almost exactly like Daniel just younger. I clicked on the image and fell down a hole of this boy. Apparently, it is Daniel! There were videoes o him singing and auditioning for the show. Apparently, he was 9th on season 14 of the show. I kept going and found out what he was doing at the moment; he's a part f the band Why Don't We, I'm guessing his other roommates were the bandmates.

By the time I had finished my research on Daniel, I had looked at multiple videoes of him, and the band doing shows followed each of them on Instagram and was honestly mad at Daniel. He kept his fame from me. I would think that something this big would be shared with me after the months of knowing him (trying to move the story along lmao)

Daniels p.o.v

I just got a notification saying that @hav.en just followed the bands and I's Instagram, I checked the profile and saw it was My haven. oh shit she found out.

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