Initiation and sprinklers {2}

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(Listen to the song)

*10:00 p.m. that night*

~Riley POV~

Grace and I went to pick up the boys so they could go to the mall but first we needed to get some money so Makaila chose me to go help with that problem. When we arrived to Daniels house Rylan climbed up the side of his house and knocked on the window. He opened the window and climbed down while Rylan instructed him on what to do since it was his first time escaping out of a window.Eventually we pulled up at food lion as the boys hopped out of the car and ran towards the small building. Grace stayed in the car listening to her punk rock music while she waited for us to run out the store just in case something happens...just like always.

When we walked inside I told them to follow me and grab a few random items. We went to the checkout as we chose the one that nobody was waiting in line for. I told the boys to keep a lookout just make sure nobody sees them or knows I'm with them. I made it to the register without a cart. I gave him my money until it was my time to do my job.

"Um excuse me sir?" I said batting my eyelashes at the old man as he seemed to like what I was doing. "Can you help me take these to my car?" I said licking my lips and fake flirting with the old man in his 60's. He nodded his head as I could tell his heart was beating 1000 miles per minute. As I was walking outside with the old man I signaled the boys to get to the register as fast as they could. They got my signals as Nathan and Scott jumped over the counter and grabbed the money out of the register while Rylan and Trey kept watch and Daniel just sat there confused as ever.

As I was outside I suddenly stopped walking as the old man saw me stop and stopped too. "You know what? I forgot to do something" I said acting as if I was frustrated. "What is it hot stuff?" He asked and I batted my eye lashes and dropped the groceries. I socked him right in the face causing him to fall on the ground and drop the groceries. I took all the liquids out of the bag and dumped them all over him.

The boys ran outside but no sirens went off and nobody saw what happened.....perfect. We ran to the van and hopped in quickly. Grace drove off really fast as we headed to the mall. "How much money did you get boys?" I asked as they smiled at me devilishly. "1,000 dollars" Scott said highfiving Rylan who sat next to him in the very back.

"Don't worry dan you'll get it soon. I wasn't to good myself when I first started" I said smiling at him then looking out the window in front of me since I sat in the passengers seat. We made it to the mall as the boys climbed out of the van and waved farewell to us as we drove back to the hangout where we stayed for months. I haven't seen home in a year ever since my mom tried to throw a vase at my head....

~Daniels POV~

"Ok where are we off to first?" Scott asked as everyone looked at me. "We aren't gonna bite you kid" Trey laughed messing up my hair. "Yeah sorry I just get shy" I said embarrassed that I actually pulled through with this. "Don't worry I am too" Rylan said "we are all gonna be best buds so don't worry". I was actually starting to like this.

*time skip to midnight*
We left the mall after buying the clothes and waited outside the mall for grace to show up. Soon enough we spotted the familiar black van pull up as we piled in. "How was it boys?" She asked kindly as she stepped on the gas going 30 miles over the speed limit and possibly more.

"It was fun" I said quietly as they all looked kinder than I thought they were. They weren't that bad like everyone said they were other than the fact they steal and etc. grace dropped each of us at our houses well only my house since the rest of them basically live at their hangout.

I snuck through my bedroom window with my bags of clothes and set them inside my closet as quickly as I could. I changed back into my pajamas and laid back down. I put my glasses on my side table and got into a comfortable position. I was about to fall asleep until I heard my phone get a message so it had a loud 'ping' sound.

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