Friendly neighborhood lesbian ( 5 )

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"I swear Riley probably still likes trey" grace said rolling her pale green eyes that looked like the bright green grass growing on the ground in the spring time.

Grace was gossiping to Sydney and Riley stood on the other side of Sydney gossiping to her about grace Sydney standing in the middle of the two gossiping girls listening carefully with her small ears but tuning them out at the same time. I walked side by side with Alexis groaning at how their dumb argument wouldn't end over a stupid boy. "WOULD BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE F*CK UP YOUR ANNOYING MY EARS WITH YOUR STUPIDITY" I yelled shutting them up pretty quickly before they gossiped about one another in hushed voices to Sydney making Alexis groan at how annoying the two girls could be sometimes. "I swear if they don't shut their f*cking mouths I will scream bloody murder" Alexis mumbled under her breath her voice sounding muffled to my ears since I tried my best to tune out the drama queens walking behind us.

The boys walked behind them in a line laughing and pointing things out or staring at our a**es like they usually did since they had nothing better to do with their boring lives. "Please tell me why she thinks I'm trying to get with her man I mean like really I'm not into him anymore" Riley said in her hushed voice to Sydney as I rolled my eyes my brain becoming lost as to where we were supposed to go. "Makaila where are we supposed to go?" Alexis asked me in a grave tone and I tapped my third eye thinking for a second before I stopped everyone stopping behind us and grace and Riley argued in each others faces this time making me even more aggravated. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE F*CK UP YOUR GIVING ME A HEADACHE OVER A DUMB A** BOY THAT NOBODY CARES ABOUT BUT YOU GUYS JUST HAVE TO BE EXTRA A**HOLES" I said groaning as we stood in front of a alley way and at this point I didn't care where we went or where this dumb alley way would take us.

We had to stay in a hotel here in Chicago after my friends bailed Daniel and I out as we all needed a break to get actual rest before setting off on our adventure through the whole town. "You heard her....shut up" Alexis said following me down the alley way as it gave me a chilly feeling as if warning me not to go down this way but something was telling me to keep going and something was holding me back. My conscience was screaming at me in terror and I was confused as to what was going on. 'GET OUT OF THERE! NOW! GET OUT!' It screamed and I held in my anger since I felt my blood start to boil for some reason. We passed a few destitute people just sitting on their bums in cardboard boxes and little pieces of food laying in front of them for their bony fingers to pick at. I tried not to feel sick at the sights of these poor people having nothing and the smell of death radiating off of them made my nose hairs go ballistic.

"Well well Well" I heard a voice say in such a monotone voice I was confused how they could say such evil words in a basic manner. It started sprinkling a bit and I could tell this wasn't going out to good just by the weird feel this random person gave off. I should've listened to my conscience but I always believed things happened for a reason so I wondered what was going to happen in my future but couldn't focus on that at the moment. "Looks like I caught the one and only asylum Bailers making a short cut towards the old factory parking lot" the voice said as the little light the was by this mossy green door that had steps leading up to it had lit up for a minute as I knew this was the back entry to some type of store or restaurant due to the big garbage bins scattered around everywhere in this alley way. The girl had short black hair half of it shaved, her blue circular glasses that gave off a nerdy and emo vibe to them, and her chocolate brown eyes that lit up with pure fury and you could feel all hell break loose.

"How did you-" Riley stuttered but the girl hushed her very quickly. "Know? Oh well I guess you didn't know did you! I'm ivy nice to meet you" she said holding her hand out in front of me and I stared down at it as she insisted for me to shake it "cmon hun a pretty face like yours shouldn't be scared to shake a friendly neighborhood lesbians hand". "Cmon" she said shaking her hand up and down raising her eye brows at me and I just gave her a weird look "don't tell me your scared to shake a lesbians hand". She winked and I shivered in pure disgust pushing her hand back to her and she groaned "you guys are no fun". "I don't think we are having fun due to the fact we don't know who you are and why your freaking Makaila out like that" trey said and ivy gave me a weird look and I kind of scooted closer next to Alexis to try and save myself from her eyes that were trained on me.

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