Chicago ( 6 )

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"GET THEM AND LETS GO" Sydney yelled as trey picked up the other side of ivy as ivy was screaming in terror the police sirens even closer. Alexis screamed when Rylan got shot as she was so shaken up grace took her place helping Trey drag ivy away. Scott picked up the newly shot Rylan as Riley and Sydney cleaned the concrete to get rid of any traces of blood grabbing the gun from now passed out Mandy Sydney shoving it in her pocket to get rid of any evidence this whole affair even happened.

Daniel and I dragged the passed out Mandy along with us and as I looked back at the spot where this whole mess happened I saw not even a trace of us being there and I thanked the heavens for it. "GO GUYS HURRY THEY ARE CLOSING IN ON US" Grace yelled everyone moving faster out of the parking lot as across the street were a few houses by the main road. We dragged them across the empty street seeing a man get out his car slamming the door shut locking it and sticking his keys in his pocket. He must've not put them in his pocket well enough because they fell out with a loud clank on the ground his old ears couldn't hear. He disappeared into his house as we carried the 2 girls over to the car Riley picking up the keys and unlocking the car. Sydney opened the trunk helping us stuff the 2 girls back there as trey duct taped Mandy's mouth wrists and ankles just like Ivy as it seemed to be working well enough so we did the same to her.

Everyone got in the car as I snuck around the car seeing the cops pass by the house going the opposite way and I figured they weren't even after us after all. I look at the parking lot seeing the old homeless men looking everywhere for the 2 girls that were probably hiding out in that alley way waiting for us as they were confused where they possibly went with us. I opened the car door slipping inside as grace started the car and we headed off towards the nearest hospital. We turned Rylan in as they took him back on one of those rescue bed type things and we all sat in the lobby worried sh*tless. My leg bounced up and down my hands all clamy and sweaty as I held my head thinking of all the possible things that could happen when the doctor comes out to tell us what happened.

We waited here at the hospital for hours and it confused me how we didn't care if we were in trouble with the authorities. The doctor pushed through the door standing in front of us "so you guys are Rylan fosters friends right?". We all nodded as I could feel my hands become even more clamy the more nervous I got. "He has 10% chance to live due to the blood loss but we can have one of you donate since we have little time" he said looking at all of us before Alexis stood up offering to donate blood. He went to take her back before he walked through the double doors he turned around looking at Daniel and I saying "don't I know you two from somewhere?". "Ummmm no" Daniel said and he gave us a weird look before taking Alexis back through the double doors that led to the twisting halls of the hospital full of sick or dying patients.

It didn't take long for her to come out upset storming out the hospital tears streaming down her face. "ILL DONATE" Scott said already figuring what happened and the doctor shrugged now taking him back. I was so curious I had to know where Alexis was going. I got up wiping my hands on my jeans walking over to the door opening it and standing outside seeing her hop into a mystery car and step on the gas driving off to god knows where. As I watched her drive away a hint of doing glistened in my eyes.

~Alexis POV~

I stole this random car that my eyes first laid on as I saw the keys laying right there on the seat so I broke the window. I reached my hand inside unlocking it opening the door and brushing the glass off the seat so I could at least sit down without glass threatening to cut my a** up. I sat down sticking the keys in the ignition unparking and stepping on the gas to get far away from this hospital and everything. I wanted everything to disappear. The pain. The sadness. The craziness. The killings. The arguing. The drama. I WANTED EVERYTHING TO STOP! After stepping foot back there in that room as they took a small sample of my blood testing it first before they took a huge amount of it as they claimed they were checking to see my blood type since it had to match his in order for him to survive. It came out negative and they kept telling me if I didn't have someone else to donate blood with the same blood type he could die. It made me so upset. The way they worded it made it seem like it was my fault he was dying a very slow death. I needed a break or a breath of fresh air from everything for a while as I drove all the way back to the old town I used to live in that Makaila and Daniel still lived in. I couldn't help but wonder what was up with them lately and why they were acting so weird around one another but I promised myself I was going to forget about everything for these next 2 days just for a break before being welcomed back to the drama.

We Are The Delinquents On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara