Welcome to the asylum {3}

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*when they got to the hangout*

~Scott's POV~

When we got to the hangout everyone was panicking and screaming at each other. We were always close family and never really fought but I never knew something like this could ever happen between us. Makaila and Lauren were yelling at each other until Lauren just snapped and quit. It happened so fast as Makaila just stood in the middle of the room and threw something at her as she ran off the roof and went to the elevators leaving us behind.

Flashback of moments before

"I CANT KEEP DOING THIS MAKAILA!" Lauren screamed at the top of her lungs "I CANT KEEP HURTING PEOPLE AND ACTING LIKE ITS OK! BECAUSE ITS NOT OK! IM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS BULLS***". Makaila just stood there with a face that made it look like the bomb she welded was about to explode.

"IM QUITTING THIS DUMB DELINQUENT THING! I CANT KEEP ACTING LIKE SOMEONE IM NOT!" Lauren said grabbing her things roughly and stormed off of the roof towards the elevators. Makaila threw something she found in those matters of seconds but she missed. When the door opened she ran inside clicking the close the door button as it closed and she was away from our grasp forever.

Makaila just stood there with tears coming in her eyes and she couldn't control it anymore. "WOULD ANYONE ELSE LIKE TO GO! GO NOW IF YOU NEED TO" she yelled as a tear ran down her cheek and her nose crunched up. She wiped her face as everyone stood there in shock.

Lexi stood up and grabbed her stuff " I can't let Lauren be alone in that world out there. I don't ever want to loose you guys but I'm doing it for my own good.". That's all lexi said before she stormed off of the roof with her stuff in her hands and hit the old elevator buttons as she walked in. Makaila just stood there not crying anymore but over heating.

End of flashback of moments before

When the elevator doors closed after Lexi walked in Makaila was even closer to exploding than before. Sydney got up and put a hand on her shoulder as Makaila smacked it away. "You need to relax!" Sydney said trying to calm her down while Makaila just stood there tugging at her light blonde hair.

"Ok I might have a idea" I said speaking up as everyone looked at me for the answer to fix this problem "there is a party at kinky Kristen's tonight. Yes Makaila I know you hate her but just avoid her when we get there and just party to get your mind off things".

*time skip*

After a while of persuading Makaila to go she finally gave in. Everyone started taking showers in the old place since there was only 1 dirty old bathroom. Soon everyone was out and everyone got in their outfits that we kept in a small dresser that we all had to share. We ran to the van and squished up. All the girls wore a dress of some sort with converse or adidas shoes. The boys just wore jeans and plain old shirts with some vans.

*time skip to them arriving at kinky Kristen's house*

~Makaila's POV~

Everyone persuaded me to go here on this stupid party. I knew something was gonna go down at this stupid party so I brought my gun with me just In case. We all got out of the van and headed inside the house in pairs. Daniel and I were partners so we walked in together. When we walked in the smell of alcohol and smoke filled our nostrils.

Daniel started coughing as I was patting his back making sure he wasn't gonna die.

*time skip to after a hour or 2 of partying* (ik a lot of time skips but I'm sure you don't wanna hear teenage kids get drunk and ish)

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