Puberty {5}

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(Listen to song while reading this)

*2 months later*

~Daniel POV~

We've been in this asylum for 2 months now which we all got super used to. I've already killed a lot of people and have a smoking problem now. Makaila has been in solitary confinement a pretty good amount of times but that still didn't stop her. Alexis and Trey have made it official on their relationship which honestly wasn't a surprise.

Paola has gone to solitary confinement once because a officer took a apple off her tray. It was kind of stupid but it was funny. She was only in there for one day which wasn't as bad as Makaila since she's almost everyday in there. I haven't seen Makaila in a long time now since she's constantly in trouble or either hides somewhere in the asylum.

When she does come back she never speaks of what happens to her when she's gone. She once got so mad at me she was about to crack open her skull on the cement wall. It has been awkward but I haven't seen her since and that was about 2 months ago.

I've gotten more aggressive from all the anger that fills me sometimes. A officer hit me with a belt and I smashed his head open on a table because of how angry I got. That's not the point though. I was leaning against a wall smoking until my lungs would shrill up and die. My black hair got darker and curlier, my baby blue eyes turned brighter, my once faint freckles now created a family across my nose and forehead, my bags under my eyes became more noticeable, and I've gotten taller.

Let's just say being stuck in a asylum means puberty hits you like a truck. I got used to not having glasses but that doesn't mean I don't need them sometimes. Everyone else got hit by puberty too. Sydney got even more mature and taller even prettier to be exact. Scott has gotten a tiny bit taller and his face is changing a bit. Rylan has gotten taller and has been known as the 'party pooper'.

Riley got even more freckles and is now taller than makaila. Paola's hair grew longer as did her strength which came in handy once. Alexis and grace have gotten older and smarter since they've been good in this insane place they are getting a tutor here. Nathan got sent to military school leaving grace to go bunk with Riley. Trey has gotten surprisingly taller since the only person shorter than him was Alexis.

Makaila has gotten older and a lot more mature but still has her bad self inside of her. I dozed off again but finally snapped back into reality seeing my cigarette almost burnt to the bud. I grabbed the cigarette out from between my lips and pressed it against the cold damp floor. It's been raining constantly causing the cell rooms to get wet from the leaking. It started growing mold but that's how you know nobody in this place cared.

I stood up from leaning against the wall and walked over to the bar covered window and looked outside. I've only been allowed outside to recess a few times and it was actually nice. I watched as the rain hit the window with a thud and the thunder cracked in the sky. To be honest I've become a very creepy person almost like I'm possessed.

I'll be talking once and randomly my eyes turn backwards and I just start twitching and mumbling words. I'm not possessed I just have little episodes sometimes. I sigh as I stare out the window longer before focusing my gaze towards my bottom bunk. The room is always dark which I liked it that way.

I walked over to the bunk bed and laid in my bed staring at the bottom of the top bunk above me. I traced shapes onto the bottom of the top bunk and hummed a song. It was a melody I heard when I walked into a antique shop and saw a girl buy a jewelry box that had that very familiar ballerina that played that melody whenever the girl would open the tiny box.

I smiled to myself as I pictured myself standing back inside that antique shop my mom worked at. My smile turned into instant frown realizing I left home on bad terms. Our outfits changed a bit over the time. I wore a Peter Pan shirt with a black tie and some ripped black jeans with some navy blue high top converse. I laughed to myself just thinking of my happy life before I got stuck in this hell hole.

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