Dont forget me {11}

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                                               "F*ck he's really dead" Daniel said standing beside Rylan's dead body on the concrete and running his hands through his curls. Rylan just died. After figuring out Alexis was pregnant everything just started going downhill from there. Rylan claimed he had to go to the bathroom as when he left the room we never knew that was going to be the last time we would ever see him. That same night Alexis was free to leave the hospital because she said she couldn't stand to stay there a second longer and she claimed she felt like something bad happened even though we were completely fine. "Not how I expected to spend my birthday" Daniel said and as he talked you could see his breath in the air his crystal blue eyes scanning Rylans dead body. He had his neck slit as with his wrists, waist, and ankles as if they tried to decapitate him and take apart his body but either ran out of time or it wasn't going as planned. We had no clue who could've killed him but obviously Rylan must've run into a robber or something and he got in their way so they had to kill him off quickly. But the thing we were all questioning was why would rylan lie about going to the bathroom and not return so we could just find him dead in a parking lot with a long bloody trail from the alleyway beside the hospital out to where we stood beside him.

Everyone looked down at him some of us having balls of fist by our sides and anger building up at how we could've saved him somehow but that wouldn't have been possible. How were we to know he would die after excusing himself from the room to use the bathroom. Grace turned to me her cheeks and nose having a rosy hue to them from the cold and her face red with anger and she walked up to me pushing me back "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT". "HOW IS THIS MY FAULT" I pushed her back and she pushed me back even harder yelling back at me. "IF YOU DIDNT GET YOUR DUMBA** BACK INTO THAT ASYLUM WE WOULDNT HAVE TO BE HERE TO SAVE YOUR A** FROM A PLACE YOU SHOULDNT HAVE GOTTEN YOURSELF IN THE BEGINNING" Grace yelled at me pushing me back again "WELL NEWS FLASH MAKAILA LOOK WHAT YOU CAUSED". Every word she screamed at me she pushed me back as I was holding in my anger but the bomb was ticking down to its last few number before it would explode "YOUR WORTHLESS YOU LITTLE SH*T". Before I knew it I punched her right in the face as her head was to the side her body still facing me and her hand wiping the blood that came out her nose and I apologized "look I'm really sorry-". "I DONT WANT YOUR APOLOGY" she yelled at me and I wanted to scream and rip my hair out "WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH YOU". Trey tried to make her stop yelling at me but she pushed him away "CMON TELL US ALL WHATS WRONG WITH YOU BECAUSE I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH THE DISASTER GIRL". "CMON WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR" she screamed at me and I held back my tears and pain from showing but she brought me to a point I let my walls collapse and I could feel everyone's friendship with one another start to fade far away. "HOW CAN I TELL YOU WHATS WRONG WITH ME IF I DONT EVEN KNOW MYSELF WHATS WRONG" I yelled at her and she went silent "IM INSANE IM CRAZY AND I CANT CONTROL ANY OF THE SH*T I DO BUT HEY EVERYTHINGS MY FAULT BECAUSE IM JUST A WORTHLESS PERSON WHOS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE" I yelled at her "YOU KNOW SOMETIMES I REALLY WONDER WHY IM HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE! IM NOT WANTED LIKE YOU GRACE! I DONT HAVE A PERFECT LIFE LIKE YOU DO BUT I GUESS THATS WHAT MAKES ME A CRAZY B*TCH WHO HAS MENTAL DISABILITIES BUT I DONT LIKE TO ADMIT IT BECAUSE I HATE MYSELF". The more I screamed at her I took out my pills and threw them on the ground seeing the bottle bust open tears streaming down my face. "F*CK THIS" I said kicking the bottle and pushing past her to walk away but she grabbed my wrist and I slapped hers away from me "DONT TOUCH ME". "look I'm sor-" she started to say but I stopped her. "I get it grace you don't have to apologize for hating me so badly" I said coldly her face turning into a sad mess. Everyone else watched in terror as I stood there my arms crossed "I think it's time the group goes our separate ways".

Trey went first giving me a tight hug and dragging an angry and stressed grace with him and I saw them fade away just like I saw in my dream into the fog starting to form around the parking lot. Sydney gave me a tight hug and I cried into her a little bit "Keep this". She gave me a Polaroid of her and I when we were 13 and both of our tongues were dyed different colors and our eyes were closed our heads rested against one another's in a silly way. she gave me one last smile before walking off past me and I didn't dare look back at her as she walked away. Oakley came next as he hugged me tightly and I hugged him back saying "I'll miss you ya little dinosaur". "Rawr" he said in between giggles and I messed up his hair mailey coming next and giving me a hug as well. "I know we didn't talk much and you barely knew me but I'm really sorry about everything that's happened" mailey said "I'll miss you though". "I'll miss you too" I said and with that she gave me a sweet smile before taking Oakley's hand walking away into the fog covered parking lot which snow started sprinkling down on. I couldn't help but think....grace and I never even said goodbye to each was just trey dragging her away from me. In a blink of an eye she was gone with the little boy I adored so much by his cuteness. Alexis was last as she gave me a super big hug wiping my tears until I was calm and feeling no emotions but pure blankness. "Listen" Alexis said holding my shoulders after our tight embrace "I want you to take care of the kid for me and promise me that no matter what you won't forget about me". I nodded as we made a pinkie promise "oh and don't forget to tell your kid how awesome I am". We both laughed before she waved goodbye disappearing into the fog yelling out maileys name before you could no longer hear nor see her. It was hard grasping on to the fact I probably would never see them again. The group. The Delinquents was broken forever and there was no coming back.

They were like family to me. Sydney my best friend the girl I grew up with hating before we finally got used to each other's presence and that's how our close friendship came to be. Alexis knew me since kindergarten where we grew up together not talking until we started a little group to rebel against society and it's evil and cruel ways in only 7th grade. Grace the girl I met in 7th grade after she used to go to my elementary school but she failed a grade which caused her to go to another school before coming back to our middle school. That's when I actually got to know her besides the girl that failed a grade. Lexi Lauren and Nathan were at the back of my head but I would never forget about them and how much they did mean to me but now they were just old friends and so were the people who walked away tonight. Paola the girl who understood my problems and always was a good person to talk to even during our rough times. I knew her since 5th grade where I introduced her to Sydney before we became good friends our friendship blossoming more once we reached middle school. Riley was a girl I always admired for how brave and confident she was of herself and she helped me embrace myself too and that's when I let my walls down for her and we became friends soon after. I grew up with trey, scott, and Rylan my whole life as we all went to the same schools, lived close before they moved neighborhoods, but still attended the same school and I felt like their sister. Even though we fought all the time I couldn't lie that I loved them more than myself. James and Morgan the inseparable duo as I missed their little crushes on each other and how dearly hard they tried to get Daniel and I back together and I appreciated it. I couldn't lie how annoying Morgan was but I missed her. I missed our funny times and it hurt to think I would never see her again. James the funny boy who made jokes during our class times and even made the professor laugh with us. Then there were people like Mandy ivy and Kristen. Ivy I hated for how she was so brainwashed to do those things to people and think it was ok to do someone else's dirty work. Kristen was an overall jerk for using me as if we were best friends our whole lives before betraying me. We grew up together even as babies until I killed her to stop her from hurting me more than I already was. Mandy. The girl who brainwashed the boy I loved more than myself to hate me before he came to his senses and came back. I couldn't deny I thought she was a really pretty girl and wanted to look just like her but I think she deserved what she got coming to her. I really would miss seeing Riley, Scott, and Rylan. You never feel pain until you realize the people you love really are gone. I hated how much it hurt. I would never see them again and it made me want to cry and scream wanting to reverse time to before my dad died. My dad died. I had no more big protector like he used to be to me before he left and when I met him again that was the last I would see him before he would be killed off like he meant nothing to nobody. Preston was killed. My secret best friend. The boy I always had sleepovers with, my other protector, my brother at heart, my play buddy, and my jokester. I mourned over all of their deaths begging for the pain to stop but I had to accept what I couldn't change. The world keeps spinning and people move on. That's what my dad used to tell me and now I have to tell myself that since there was no dad to tell me that.

All I had left was the boy I met who was innocent before I turned him bad. The boy who made me turn into a softie before I pushed him out my life. The boy who was brainwashed to think I was a terrible person before he came back to me and that's where we are standing now. I walked up to him and he held out his hand snow starting to come down a bit harder and I felt the light at the end of the tunnel. I had a glint of sadness in me but I felt suddenly relieved to have my friends off my chest, To turn to a new page and start everything over but this time with somebody I loved standing at my side and not my group of friends. I took his hand intertwining our fingers as we started to walk farther away from Rylan's dead body into the misty fog. Our hands swung in between us as we talked and talked about nothing and anything. "Do you ever shut up" I said elbowing him which made him let out a laugh. "No I guess I don't around pretty girls" he said and I laughed both of us stopping and facing each other.

"Your dumb" I said and he rolled his eyes. "No your dumb" he said and I mocked his action by rolling my eyes as well. "No your-" and he leaned down connecting our lips as they moved together the snow falling down on our bodies that stood under the street light. That was the last you would see from the Delinquents. The last of our insane yet crazy fun times. Our story ends here. And we would love to end it with a..........THE END.

For now............


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