Wheres alexis? ( 9 )

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                                               It was if in slow motion the gun dropped to the floor the bullet flying off onto the wall bouncing off and hitting Scott directly in the heart. Flashbacks came to me of when we were in preschool. Playing in the sandboxes and kicking this boy named Kyle who kept throwing sand at us. When we were in elementary school sharing our lunches since we never ate breakfast and our parents never packed enough food to satisfy us. In middle school when Scott stood up for me when I was getting teased at how smart I was. In high school when Scott beat up my ex boyfriend for cheating on me. When I came back to reality I was staring down at Scott's lifeless body his eyes wide open and staring directly at me in the eyes.

I dropped down to my knees crying into my hands and screaming "HELP ME".

~Makaila POV~

Right when I heard the scream come from Alexis's room I got up running out Daniel close behind me and I barged into the room almost falling but Daniel caught me. "WHAT THE F*CK" I yelled seeing Scott's lifeless body on the floor covered in blood and a bullet hole in his chest right where his heart should be. All my friends slowly came seeing the sight. I stared down at him before looking at Alexis with fury in my eyes and she could see the flames burning in them how mad I was. "Tell me what happened before I assume you killed him because I will not be happy if you did" I said looking at Alexis and she looked scared before she was about to start her explanation before mailey and oak walked in. "Hey look I'm sorry for walking- WHAT DID YOU DO" mailey said walking into the room seeing Scott on the floor and Alexis on her knees beside him "LET ME GUESS YOU KILLED HIM". "Let me explain-" Alexis said but mailey cut her off.

"NO YOUR NOT EXPLAINING ANYTHING" mailey said picking up Oakley "DO US ALL A FAVOR AND STAY AWAY FROM US YOU MONSTER". Alexis had tears streaming down her face and I was just shocked mad and sad. "KNOCK IT OFF" I yelled shooing mailey off. "DONT YOU DARE SHOO ME" mailey yelled and I followed her making her get out the room. "I DO AS I PLEASE" I said slamming the door hard enough you could feel the whole floor shake. I pushed my other friends out the way making my way back over to Alexis so pissed off I could drag everyone by their hair. "YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO EXPLAIN WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED SO MAKE THIS GOOD ENOUGH ILL BELIEVE YOU DIDNT KILL HIM YOURSELF" I said crossing my arms motioning for her to start.

"But I-" but I cut her off. "TICK TOCK" I said sitting down counting in my head as she explained. "I was really upset because of Riley's death because I'm very suicidal....and so when Sydney came in here she forgot her jacket and she still had Mandy's gun in the pocket so I put the gun to my head and scott must've walked in to check on me because right when I pulled the trigger he smacked it out my hand and the bullet bounced against the wall and hit him" she explained quickly "and that's how we are here in this position right now". "PLEASEEEEEE DONT BE MAD AT ME" she begged me and I got up brushing myself off. "Begging isn't doing you any good but I'll believe you for right now" I said "but if I find out you lied it won't end out well".

We soon got scott off the floor carrying him out the hotel but going out the back exit doors so no one in the lobby could see the sight. We stole another car leaving Sydney behind to clean up the blood all over the ground since she had a cleaning job back in Florida. Alexis drove us out to this meadow on a hill overlooking Lake Michigan. We carried Scott all the way up there the boys digging a hole and lowering his body into it. I got out a match dropping it down onto his body burning his evil spirit before he entered the other world of the dead. "What are you doing!" Grace said and I watched his body burn. "I'm burning his evil spirit" I said looking at her before looking back at him "maybe he could go to heaven if he really wants to".

Once the fire was done and his bones were burned we took all the dirt that we took out of the ground back into the ground as it was just a big rectangle of dirt in the middle of a big grass hill. We knew the grass would grow over so it wouldn't look noticeable and as we walked back down I noticed Alexis near mailey. I had Rylan go and tell mailey everything that happened since she would think Alexis is crazy if she explained the story. Alexis and mailey were talking it out before I saw them hug each other tightly both of them crying and Oakley hugging mailey's leg Danny doing the same to Alexis's leg. Watching how happy they were together was a relief to me.

I heard a yell and officers coming out of nowhere grabbing Daniel and handcuffing his hands behind his back. "WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON" Grace said confused Daniel lost as to what was happening to him right now. "We are arresting you for kidnapping this little boy" the officer said Danny standing beside me now. "I DIDNT-" Daniel said and they cut him off. During their whole argument I looked at grace firmly whispering to her to sneak Danny away from everyone and take him back to the hotel. She followed instructions so when the officers were only focused on Daniel she snuck away with Danny until she was out of sight no where to be found. They pulled Daniel away and he kind of panicked "PROMISE ME YOULL GET ME OUT". "I PROMISE" I said as they shoved him in the back of the police car his window rolled down and as they drove away he stuck his head out his eyes wide with fear.

We escaped the asylum and once they find that out he'll be in even more trouble so we had to bail him out tonight. And when I mean we have to get him out means we have to get him out without them noticing anything missing or any little trace of us being there. Seeing his black curls fly in front of his scared face made me so terrified I didn't know how I was going to get him out without getting my own self in trouble.

Everyone huddled together talking about everything that just happened and coming up with reasons as to why it happened. "Alexis was the one who saved Danny from the orphanage" mailey said and everyone looked around. "Hey by the way" trey said "where is Alexis?".........


Sorry this is so short it's just been a long day💀. LexTh3Rex_  helped once again on this chapter. Sorry if there is spelling and grammar errors in this it's late at night so I can barely tell if anything is wrong😂. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Lots of love❤️.

Love your pal,

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