Guns arent good kids {9}

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~Paola POV~

It's been a year since I left that asylum and left the town I called home. It seems crazy but our group has become 10 times smaller. Trey, Alexis, Lexi, and Grace graduated East Brew high school last year. Grace was a Sophomore but since we left the asylum she's been working hard so she went back up to her original grade in senior year and graduated with everyone else.

Lauren still goes to the school but she found a new group to hang out with being normal. She never even goes in the areas she knows where we'll be so I'm sure she's done with us for sure. Lexi we have only talked to a few times but she likes to hang around all the boys in this school. Since we left Makaila and Daniel at the asylum it's only been scott, rylan, Riley, Sydney, and I left on our own. Nathan has to stay at military school until he leaves for college so this year is his last year.

This year I'm a junior but I guess it's alright. Since Makaila hasn't been back Sydney has been in charge of us but we only do little bad things because we can't risk getting in trouble this time. This year was Sydney, rylan, and Scott's senior year which actually meant a lot to them.

At this current moment I'm sitting on a sofa in our little hangout playing with my finger nails listening to rylan and scott fighting. Sydney was practicing throwing knives at targets while Riley was asleep on the ground not to far from me. I heard some yelling and I immediately stood up from my seat and ran over to the edge of the old building.

I looked over to see a blonde standing a few stories below screaming gibberish as I realized who the person was. I ran over to scott and Rylan pulling them apart from each other. "MAKAILAS HERE GUYS" I yelled as everyone came running towards the elevator as we piled inside.

Once the elevator made it to the first floor we ran out the building attacking Makaila in a hug. After a little while we stopped hugging and took a few breaths before we would start asking a bunch of questions. It was probably midnight right now but we didn't care. We asked her a whole bunch of questions as she just gave a brief explanation of how it was without us.

She soon asked us questions about where everyone else was as we just explained they graduated and stuff. "Is Daniel with you?" I asked as she nodded her head yes. I hugged her again as we all decided to go our separate ways. Makaila decided she needed to go back home as our only home was the hangout. I left my family so long ago I can't even remember my parents name.

I know where they live and what they do but since they also live in this town I try and go places I know they won't be. Once Makaila left we all stood on the sidewalk in front of the hangout looking at each other with concerned looks. "Guys I think we should go back to our actual homes just for tonight" I said as everyone slowly nodded their heads.

I have a twin who doesn't go to the same school because of district since I left. I also have a little brother but I never talked to him even before I went the bad route. We all walked separate ways to our little old houses in North bay, Virginia. I live really close to the school which I'm surprised that my parents haven't found me in public yet but I'm sure they heard about the things I've done.

I ran away from home in the 8th grade and that's when I found Makaila and Sydney when they welcomed me in. I was now at this point standing on the old wooden front porch of the house I said goodbye to almost 5 years ago. I knocked on the door as I saw the door swing open with a boy who looked like he was a Freshman stood at the door.

I'm sure he didn't recognize me because of how different I looked. I wore all black clothes, black eyeliner smudged around my eyes, and my hair was all poofy and messed up. "Paola? Is that you?" The boy asked as he stood there tears threatening to fall form his eyes as I slowly shook my head yes. We soon hugged each other so tight we couldn't breath.

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