Burning cars ( 8 )

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"NO NO NO" I said seeing Alexis's car flip over Sydney slamming on the brakes almost sending Danny through the window but Daniel got him just in time. I got out the car running over to the other one panicking when I saw blood starting to seep onto the concrete under and around the car since it was flipped upside down. Riley somehow made it to the very back of the car half of her body out the back window her head all bloody and she looked like she didn't survive the car crash even the slightest bit. I pulled her out first but it wasn't that easy. I held her body taking my foot and kicking the glass a bit since it trapped her body. I kicked it until parts of it shattered allowing me to get her out without getting her even more cut up than she already was. I carried her over to the grass watching mailey crawl out the car taking out little baby Oakley. They had cuts and bruises but nothing as horrific as Riley. There were only two people left in the car.

Scott and Alexis. Mailey set down the baby opening one of the back doors slightly tugging on it really hard to open it far enough a hand crawled out before Scott starts to slowly pull himself out. Once he was fully out he was so exhausted he remained laying on the ground having to get Sydney and Rylan to help him up his arms wrapped around their shoulders which helped him keep his balance. "Alexis" mailey stuttered "shes s-still in the-there". I went over to the drivers side seeing the shattered window and I laid down on the concrete looking into the car seeing her practically passed out blood trailing down her forehead and other deep cuts on her exposed skin. I opened the car door using the same type of method mailey did by tugging on it with such force it opened all the way.

I unbuckled Alexis's seatbelt grabbing her by her hands and dragging her out until she laid flat on the cement out the car. I dragged her over to the grass both her and Rileys bodies so lifeless it looked as if they died right on impact. Mailey was in tears and freaking out so much it started to make me panic a bit "check her pulse...please...I need to know if she's alive". I felt both of their pulses Alexis having none so far. Riley had a faint pulse that I could tell was fading more by the minute. I tested Alexis's pulse in different areas just to see if she maybe had even the smallest chance of being alive after this bad car accident. It was a hit and run. The car that hit them bolted off their car slightly damaged but they drove away hoping not to get caught for the damage they caused. "What's the pulse?" Mailey asked me and I looked up at her. "She has none" I said checking for the last time still not feeling anything. I put my hand over her lungs to feel even the slightest breathing but still I felt nothing. Sydney called the ambulance and they were at the scene in under 10 minutes.

They took Riley and Alexis on emergency hospital bed carrier type things they use whenever it was a person that was in a lot of need. Sydney and I went into the ambulance car Riley was in Mailey and oak going into Alexis's. Everyone else hopped into the car that didn't crash and followed the ambulance cars all the way to the hospital. When they took them out and into the building I hopped out scared for what my happen to me after finding out if they survived or not. We stayed in the lobby for a while grace and trey finally showing up there after hearing what happened when Sydney contacted them. Graces wounds from Alexis and her fight were healing and she had a guilty look on her face but she sat down beside us awkwardly refusing to ask questions about the situation worrying that one of us would break down in tears.

It didn't take long before we were allowed to see them each by pairs and Daniel and I went to Alexis's since Sydney went to Riley's. They were great friends and she wanted to see her privately because of their close connection. When we walked into the room the doctor told us some information before he left. I could see her health was getting better but she was still knocked out cold. The doctor explained she's on life support since she has a 25% chance to live. Daniel has a vendetta against her but I didn't see what Alexis ever did wrong to him. Daniel tried to unplug her life support but I stopped him. "Daniel stop" I said smacking his hand away from the plug and he groaned. "She's a traitor" he said and I rolled my eyes. "She is not" I said "your just mad at her because she saved your brother from the orphanage and you didn't". "Don't tell me what I'm mad at" he said and I flipped him off. "I can say what I want" I said and this time he rolled his eyes "roll your eyes again and I'll poke them out". "Bet" he said rolling his eyes again and I flicked him. "Stop being an a**hole" I said and he crossed his arms.

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