Pushing limits ( 2 )

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(Song- afraid by the neighbourhood) (its has bad words in it just a warning) (listen to song while reading please and thank you)

*1 month later*


~Daniel POV~

All my thoughts were going wild the more I kept thinking in between 2 girls. I'm dating a girl who only wants to have sex with every guy she's with and I'm thinking of a girl I've known and missed talking to. My heart was tearing apart quickly the more I thought about it. I sat up in my bed in the middle of the night rubbing my eyes. "Can't sleep?" James asked turning to face me from his bed as I nodded "you thinking about her?". I sighed holding my head in my hands trying not to get to emotional from all the flashbacks.

"You choose your own fate Daniel and you just happened to choose the wrong path" James said tucking him self under his covers "I'm sure soon your gonna loose her so I suggest you get her back as soon as possible". I sighed laying back down thinking about everything. Her cold blue eyes that stared into mine showing that there was more than just her toughness in her. Her freckles that spread across her nose and cheeks that made her look adorable even when the sun hit them. Her blonde hair that shone in the light and made every girl wish they had the color hair of hers. To bad she dyed her hair blue.Her delicate pale skin blending in with lights.

I held myself remembering the first time I kissed her and she surprisingly let it happen. I remembered the times we had together and how she never cried. I've never seen her cry but I knew she was close to it if I didn't do something about this situation.

*in the morning*

I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked in the halls full of stress. I felt someone covering my eyes as I tore them off of me and continued walking. "I swear Daniel your always in a bad mood whenever your thinking about her" Mandy said as I opened my locker holding onto the metal so hard it started bending "if you keep thinking about her I'll embarrass her again". I shoved books in my locker slamming it looking at the dent I made on the locker. "Oh there she is now" she said laughing "perfect timing". I sighed turning to look at Makaila pushing past people with the face of pure anger and agony. When she walked by Mandy grabbed her by her hair pulling her back.

Mandy held on tight as I saw Makaila clenching her fist. "WHAT YOU GONNA DO LITTLE GIRL" Mandy yelled as I could feel my body shaking. That's until I knew something terrible was about to unfold. Makaila grabbed her around her jaw looking at her face. "YOU BETTER LET THE F*CK GO OF ME BEFORE I KILL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY" she said pushing her on the ground watching her get back up.  Mandy went to throw a punch but Makaila grabbed her wrist squeezing so tight she left bruises on her wrist. she used Mandy's hand that she had in her wrist to punch herself in the face before kicking Mandy on the ground again.

"Your lucky I'm not in a bad mood today you bastard" she said letting Mandy stand back up. Mandy grabbed her on her jaw squeezing her cheeks to the point it started leaving red marks on her skin. "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO KINKY KRISTEN AND THOSE OFFICERS" Mandy said "AND I THREATEN TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IT". Makaila just seemed amused by how Serious Mandy tried to be. Makaila just slapped her arm off her holding her wrists tightly. "I'm glad you know what I did to those people because they deserved it" she said out loud "AND IM NOT AFRAID TO DO THE SAME TO YOU". Mandy shut up quickly as Makaila threw her on the ground kicking her in the face.

"I choose my own fate" she said dusting her hands off before kicking her upside the head again. Makaila turned to face me as I saw a difference in her face. She matured a lot more than when we were just 16 years old killing people around the town for no reason. Her eyes glowed and her freckles tied her face together. Her blue hair turning curly as her baby hairs looped around in spirals. She put her hands on my shoulders pinning me against the lockers as I glared at how bad of a mood I was in. "You realize I can't hate you forever" she said as I just rolled my eyes. "Yeah sure" I said sarcastically before she put me in a headlock dragging me into a empty classroom. She slammed the door shut before walking over to a desk.

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