WAKE UP ( 3 )

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(Song: swim by: Chase Atlantic) (WARNING BAD WORDS IN SONG) (I didn't feel like editing much on this one I was just ready to post it so don't complain if something is spelled wrong or it doesn't sound right😂)

~Daniel POV~

~later that night~

"DANIEL IM NOT A NORMAL PERSON" she yelled holding her head and I just messed with my fingers holding in my anger. "I didn't say you were normal" I mumbled under my breath her laughing in frustration. "Sometimes I even wonder why the f*ck I'm here anymore but I guess people just love to watch me suffer" she said kicking the cell door really hard but didn't complain about the pain. I stayed quiet just listening to everything she was saying "sorry I wasn't good enough". "What do you mean?" I asked her rolling her eyes. "all That's been happening to me was me getting beaten by Mandy's friends and you wouldn't help me at all! You watched me lay on the ground barely breathing but you being a brainwashed a**hole never helped me up! MY COUSIN WAS KIDNAPPED BY ONE OF HER FRIENDS AND PEOPLE WONDER WHY IM GOING CRAZY! they destroyed my possessions and told me that I wasn't worth being alive and if they were me they would've killed themselves years ago but you know what.....they are right because I really don't deserve to be here anyway" She was just pacing back and forth holding herself before leaning her back against a wall sliding down hugging her knees to her chest breaking down "I wasn't even supposed to be born".

The tears streamed down her face the droplets getting stuck on her eyelashes. I felt my body tense at all this information being told to me. "I've told myself not to cry because I thought that made me weak and if I cried they would've embarrassed me in front of everyone and I was terrified of that. I lost my only friend that was there for me and I can't get her back. I would've been executed years ago but my dads paying these dumb people not to. Now I feel like you hate me so I can't do anything right anymore" she said wiping her nose the tears still coming down her face. I felt my eyes cloud over as I looked at the ground sitting on the edge of the bed.

I blinked away tears not knowing what to do. I pictured myself killing my parents and those innocent people that i really missed. The tears flowed down my face as I realized everything wrong I've done in my life. My hands covered my eyes as the tears came down faster to the point I couldn't control them. I pictured Danny running away from me to the cops because of his fear of me. I sniffled a few times wiping some of my tears but they still kept streaming. I remembered all my happy moments in my life as the bad ones came back. I looked up seeing Makaila just crying to herself silently her face bright red and her eyes bloodshot and puffy.

I wiped my tears her looking up as some more tears fell from my eyes realizing this is the first time we've seen each other cry. She got up opening the cell door as I got up to follow her to make sure she didn't get hurt "I regret saying that it's your fault". Once she said this she closed the door turning around "but I don't regret doing this" she said grabbing me by my hoodie our lips connecting. At this moment I realized we weren't just innocent kids anymore. (If you don't understand what's happening when it says 'we weren't just innocent kids anymore' it means they are going to have sex. Imma just say that now😂)

*the next morning*

"DANIEL CAN I JUST COME IN TO GRAB MY HAIR BRUSH" I said as he just groaned in the shower "f*ck you too". I opened the bathroom door closing it behind me searching the drawers in the bathroom in our cell for my hair brush as I heard a bang on the door "It's just me clara I'm only going to put new towels in here. "uhhhhhhh IM IN THE SHOWER" I said lying through my teeth as the door knob started to turn and I panicked at the way I looked after last night. I hopped in the shower covering Daniels mouth putting my index finger over mine to tell him to be quiet. My hair and clothes were starting to soak but Clara took forever just to put new towels in the bathroom "what are these?". I stuck my head out covering my body as Daniel went to look but I put my hand over his face pushing him back.

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