Home is where the heart is {8}

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(Continuation of last chapter)

~Makaila's POV~

End of dream

I woke up sweaty in the most familiar cold room. I was sweating so bad my pillow and thin sheets were covered in it as well. I finally rubbed my head enough my eyes completely opened so I could think correctly. I used enough strength to climb down the ladder checking the bottom bunk but nobody was there. It took me a while to realize that it was all a dream.

EVERYTHING WAS A DREAM. I looked like a actual cartoon with the air coming out of my ears. I was so mad I thought my dream was real. I got out of my hospital gown and got into the asylum uniforms. I sat down on the floor collecting my thoughts and trying to remember what happened. It couldn't have been a dream because it seemed so real. Well that's the thing about being insane. Everything is just a hallucination and nothing seems to be real anymore.

I sat on the floor until a guard told me to get out of my cell and get ready to go outside for recess. This was the 3rd time I actually have been able to go outside. When the sun hit my pale skin it felt as if I was a vampire burning alive. It made me think I was living in literal hell or I'm actually part of it.

I was smoking a cigarette before the same boy who came up to me the other day stood in front of the metal bleachers outside since I sat at the very top. "Hi" he said as he waved and I kept a blank expression because I was still very pissed. "What do you want kid?" I asked as I took a drag and blew the smoke at him. "It's just......everyone talks about you and I wanted to see how they really say you are" he said as I just rolled my eyes and crossed my legs.

"What do they say to you?" I asked as he frowned a bit but found the words to explain the situation he put himself in. "They tell me how your completely insane and can kill people in seconds" he replied as it didn't bother me even a bit. "Well maybe they are right" i took another drag as he just flinched a bit. "I would walk away from me right now before your friends get mad at you" I gestured to his friends crossing their arms and giving him a mean looks as he glanced at them then looked back at me.

"Sorry about your best friend" he said as he ran back over to his friends. It didn't matter anyway. I had to get away from this place but I didn't wanna risk dying to do that. I laughed to myself of how crazy I sounded. I put some gum in my mouth as I just sat in the somewhat tall metal bleachers watching everyone run around or workout. A man in a suit followed by officers got my attention by calling my name and gesturing me to come over to them by the entry to outside.

I hopped down each step and walked over to them squinting my eyes from the bright sun. "Follow us makaila" I didn't reply I just did as told as we walked into the hallway where people visit you. "We have someone here to talk to you. It isn't the usual person to visit you but it's someone you know" the man answered as we entered a room with a desk type thing with a glass separating the other desk with a phone on the side.

I sat in the chair and held the phone up to my ear as I waited for a person on the other side to show up. A boy about the age of 13 sat down and picked up the phone on the other side. I instantly recognized this boy as my little brother Peyton. "Hello" he said as he waved and smiled and I just sat there holding the phone up to the side of my face chewing my gum.

"Do you speak?" He asked as I just rolled my eyes. "Yes I speak you dips***" I said as Peyton just smiled and looked down at his hands. "How are you doing?" He asked as I just flipped him off. "How am I doing?! IM STUCK IN THIS PEICE OF S*** PLACE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE SO YES IM PERFECTLY FINE" I yelled as I stood up, took my gum out, and slammed the gum against the glass causing a little crack to form. A officer that stood by the door grabbed me by my waist and tried to pull me away.

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