50's Diners {10}

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(Song: Watch by Billie Eilish - listen to while reading)

(Next chapter isn't gonna be a update but of what me(Makaila), Daniel, Paola, James, and Morgan look like when we are 21 + a description about our 21 year old selves)

~ ?????? POV~

Hi there.....I'm sure you don't know who I am but I'll introduce you to myself. My name is Daniel Reese Martin. I am 21 years old and I am currently parking my car at a Diner. About 4 years ago on this day a person I truly cared about looked like she was dying right in front of me. I've never been so depressed in my life but it didn't matter either.

My hairs gotten curlier and my face has grown even more mature. I'm a lot taller and eye bags are the death of me.

My little brother Danny is currently 5 years old living in a orphanage because of my stupid choices 4 years ago. Rylan moved to Tokyo a few months after the incident due to his fathers navy stuff. Scott moved into another city here in Virginia as Sydney moved to Orlando so she could follow her 'dreams'. Grace ended up getting with Trey as they moved back into her home town back in Georgia.

Alexis was heartbroken after her breakup with Trey but she played volleyball in college which took her mind off of it. She soon became really good to the point now that she's out of college she lives in LA and is one of the best volleyball players out there. Lexi and Nathan got together as they also lived in LA but they never talked to Alexis ever. Well that's what Lexi says.

Lauren moved out of the country all together as she moved to Quebec attending college there. Paola stayed in the area still doing minor bad things but she wanted to a have a 'fresh start' even though she attends community college. She still talks to Makaila a lot but Makaila really never speaks so she kinda just talks to her physically but not spiritually. And for Makaila. Well she still lives in the area but she hides herself away from people. After she left the hospital that day she locked herself in her bedroom while her parents banged on her bedroom door.

I pass by her a few times on the community campus but we only locked eyes a few times as I could see the pure depression in them. Now that I introduced myself I'm pretty sure you already know who I am. The boy who fell in love with a leader of a group of bandits that fell apart within a few years.

I still can't get the blood that was everywhere as she looked like she was dying with her eyes open. THATS NOT THE POINT DANIEL STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT. I'm parking my car in the local diners parking lot in the downtown part of North Bay, Virginia. I look up to see the grayish blue color of the sky as the clouds covered any remnants of the sun left shining.

I stepped out of my car slamming the door shut locking it in the process. As I began walking up to the diner My old yet dirty blue converse slightly splashed into the mini puddles made by the rain only a few hour earlier. I felt a raindrop hit my nose as I scrunched it up in confusion but wiped it away. I wore a leather jacket with a old vans shirt as I opened the Dinners big wooden door making a ringing sound. I walked in as I was instantly greeted by all the waitresses who knew me very well since I come here almost every weekend.

"What can I do for ya danni boy" Morgan said crossing her arms on the counter in front of me as I sat in a swirly chair. "Can I have a chocolate milkshake?" I asked as she nodded her head and screamed my order into the back as she started making it herself. I was confused by the actions of peoples these days. Why scream for someone in the back to make it when you decide to do it yourself?

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