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Hey guys unfortunately I'm going to be inactive due to finals coming up in my school. They go from May 21st to May 30th and I get out June 6th or around that time. So due to that I'm not going to be posting any new chapters unless it's before May 21st. Once I finish my finals and get myself together for the last few weeks of school I will try and post a chapter as soon as possible but for right now your going to have to be patient. FINALS SUCK LIKE REALLY. I don't see the purpose of finals but I'm just happy it's close to the end of the year so I can get away from all my teachers for a while. But anyways thank you for reading this and have a nice day.

Love your pal,

We Are The Delinquents जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें