The train ride to Hogwarts

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Hermione pov.

After running through the brick barrier between stations nine and ten, we were suprised to see three unfamiliar faces heading to the train, a girl and two boys.

The girl had short, spikey black hair and stunningly beautiful blue eyes. They seemed to cackle with electricity. Her skin was pale, making it easy to see a few freckles splashed across her nose. She was dressed in a black 'death to barbie' t-shirt and had black ripped pants with black combat boots. She had many silver bracelets and necklaces around her wrists and neck. She also had triple ear piercings and strangely, a silver tiara sat on top her head. She looked like some sort of goth princess or something.

One of the boys looked a bit like the girl. He was deathly pale and was also dressed in black. His aviator jacket hung a little too loosely on his thin, but not un-muscular frame. He had shaggy black hair that reminded me of a dog, and a large black and silver skull ring was on his middle finger.

The other boy, was completely different from the first two. He was tall and muscular. His deep tan matched well with his raven black hair. But what stood out most, were his eyes. They were a sea green that seemed to be moving as the waves. He wore a bright orange t-shirt with faded words I couldn't make out. Around his neck, he had a necklace with five beads strung on it. He was carelessly twirling a cheap ballpoint muggle pen in his fingers.

"Who are they?" Harry wondered aloud. "They don't look like the normal Hogwarts students and are much too old to be first years."

"Why don't we ask them?" I suggested as we started walking in their direction. They seemed to be arguing about something and were talking so fast we could hardly understand.

"Excuse me?" I started. They all immediately stopped and turned around. I continued, "We was just wondering where you lot are from, not to seem rude or anything, but we've never seen you before and surely you are not first years."

The kids exchanged few glances, appearing to have a mental conversation, before the girl stepped forward to explain.

"Hi, I'm Thalia and these two are my idiot cousins Percy and Nico. We are American exchange students from a school named Hecate's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And who would you happen to be?" The girl, Thalia, asked politely.

"I'm Hermione Granger and this is Ronald Weasley. I'm guessing you already know who this is?" I gestured to Harry.

"Uhh... No, I'm sorry, but we really don't. Are we supposed to know you or something?" Said Thalia looking slightly confused. We looked at each other in suprise when we heard her response.

"You don't know him?" Ron asked incredulously, "He survived the bloody killing curse as a baby!! This is Harry Potter also known as 'The Boy Who Lived'."

"Great!" The boy named Percy exclaimed. The new students exchanged smiling glances, as if they were sharing an inside joke. I wondered why.

On the train, most cars were full, so we all found ourselves meeting in the same compartment. I decided to take the opportunity to learn more about them.

"So, what is your school like?" I was curious to know if it was any different from Hogwarts. Surprisingly, I had never heard of that school so it must have had strong magic to cover itself up from even other wizards.

"Well... " Percy said slowly as if he was making this up on the spot, "I guess it's more of a school where we learn a lot about physical combat." Our eyes widened in surprise.

"Blimey mate, you're lucky! I wish we had to learn that at Hogwarts." Ron said. When Percy told him even more about how to do muggle fighting, he seemed to be even more interested if that was already possible.

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