The Yule Ball

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Annebeth POV

     I was studying some blueprints in my cabin when my brother Malcolm entered. The sunset behind the doorway made a long stretched shadow of him. Long enough to reach the other side of the room. The brainy part of me showed up and I started calculating angles to tell how long the shadow was. My brother interrupted my thoughts.

     "Hey Annabeth, Chiron is expecting you at the big house. He said its important."

     I worried but Malcolm assured me that nothing had happened to Percy, Thalia, and Nico. He knew I was worried about them. Actually, the whole camp probably did, but I didn't care. Ever since they left, I couldn't help but feel anxious until they came back. I especially missed Percy. The way he laughed, the way his eyes sparkled, and even his teasing.

     I stood up and ran to the big house, curious to see what I was called for.

     When I got there, Mr. D was playing cards with Grover (who was snacking on empty pop bottles) while Chiron sat in his wheelchair form watching them. The room was cluttered and filled with dust. The sunlight streaming through the windows seemed to cut through it like a knife.

     "You called?" I asked. Chiron nodded. "Yes, how would you like to visit Percy and his cousins tonight?" He asked, rolling his chair in my direction to face me. I gasped.

     "Is it possible?" I asked him. "What would the teachers at the school say? How would I get there? How long would I stay?" Chiron smiled. "The school is hosting a dance and Percy needs a partner tonight. Would you like to go?"

      "Would I like to go??" I repeated. "Is that even a question? I'd love to go!" I exclaimed with a wide smile on my face. "When do I leave?" I was bouncing on the balls of my feet probably making me look like a two yead old, but I didn't care. I was going to see Percy!!!!  "You can start preparing now. Its a formal occasion so you'll be needing a fancier dress. I already IM'ed Nico and he's going to shadow travel you there." He informed with his kind fatherly smile. "Come back here when your done getting ready and Nico will hopefully not be late." I nodded barely being able to contain my excitement.

     When I got back to my cabin, I got out my fancy dress that I wore for parties on Mt. Olympus. It was a lighter shade of greyish-green that looked greek style. It flowed all the way to the ground and had a gold belt on the middle. It looked something like this.

I had some really high gold heels to not let the dress drag on the floor as I walk

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I had some really high gold heels to not let the dress drag on the floor as I walk. I then brushed my hair which was really hard considering the fact that I hadn't brushed it in weeks. I curled it and pinned it up so it was partly up and partly down, like greek godess style.

     When my hair was done, I did my makeup. I knew Percy didn't like too much and neither did I, so I put some mascara and put a little bit of gold eye shadow.

     I showed up at the big house five minutes later. It turned out, Nico was late. When the shadows did finally draw together, Nico stepped out panting. I play glared at him but still gave him a hug.

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