The Wizards Learn About Demigods

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Hey guys, I just wanted to say that spells have very small effect on demigods. They are not immune.

Ron pov

     The first day at Hogwarts this year, was one of the strangest days of my life. The American students were unusually strange. They were very suspicious characters, but none of them seemed evil. I knew they were hiding something big and I was dying to know more about them. I was trying to do my homework in the common room when these thoughts swirled through my head. Then I walked over to Harry, planning to discuss these things with him.

     In just ten minutes, Harry and I had come up with a fabulous idea on how to find out if the Americans were actual wizards. The difficult part about that though was convincing Malfoy to help us. Eugh... I really didn't want to work with him, he was  mine and Harry's biggest enemies at Hogwarts. I really hoped he would agree with our plan.

~~~~at midnight~~~~

     It didn't take long for Percy to fall asleep. Actually, he fell asleep almost as soon as he closed his eyes. I just hoped Malfoy would manage to bring over both Thalia and Nico. We had decided to meet in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom because it seemed like the least likely place for someone to discover us.

     "Harry," I whispered loudly. "You awake?" Harry nodded and stood up to put on his bathrobe and slippers. I did the same.

     "Wingardium Leviosa" I whispered as Percy's form was levitated off his bed. The blankets slid off him as he rose higher. Harry and I tip-toed out of the Griffindor common room, our wands pointing at Percy, making sure he stayed levitated. I nodded to Harry and we separated walking in two different directions. I was headed towards the bathroom while Harry would go help Malfoy bring over the other Americans. I still couldn't believe we are actually working with with Draco!! I hoped that would be  the first and last time we agreed.

     I gently laid Percy on a chair and said

     "Incarcerus" and saw ropes tie him down. Just then, Malfoy and Harry came in and did the same with the other two while I emptied their pockets in case they had their wands with them. Instead of wands, I found these really interesting gold coins and Percy had a strange muggle object that Harry said was a pen. I put them all on the edge of the sink while we all took out our wands and pointed them to the still sleeping forms.

     "Renervate." Nothing happened.

     "Renervate." We said again but this time more forcefully. I think Thalia moaned a bit but otherwise nothing. I looked confused at Harry.

     "Why isn't this working!?" I asked with small panic in my voice.

     "Ron, I just think they are really deep sleepers." I never thought I would do this, but I turned to Malfoy and asked,

     "Any ideas here?" He nodded and pointed his wand at Percy.

     "Aguamenti" and water shot out of Draco's wand directly in Percy's face. What happened next went so fast I could barely tell what happened. All I could see now was Percy, wide awake, completely dry, and had a sword at Malfoy's neck. We stared at him wide eyes in shock. Our jaws so low they could've touched the floor. Percy looked mad. I mean like really mad.

     "What is the meaning of this?" He growled in a low threatening voice. I opened my mouth and tried saying something but my voice wouldn't work. Finally, Harry managed to find his voice first.
"H-how did you get free? and why are you dry? and where did you get the sword from??" Percy smirked.
"None of your business about that and its none of your business to know any more about us. You just gave us a reason for us not to trust you." I turned around and glanced at Thalia and Nico. How the bloody hell did they sleep through all the noise? Percy also saw them and sighed while rolling his eyes. What happened next was even weirder. Tiny droplets of water from the air, were drawn to Percy's index finger until there was an inch diameter blob of water floating above it. He first walked over to Nico and put the finger right under his nostril. The water flew into his nose and Nico woke up to open his mouth for air. Then all shadows were drawn towards him, and when they dissapeared, we found that he was gone.
"D-did he just apparate??" I asked. "I thought Dumbledore made so you couldn't apparate or dissapperate in Hogwarts."
" Apparate?" Percy asked looking thoroughly confused. "What the hades is apparate?"
"Its like your cousin just did but without the shadows. Wait, why were the shadows all drawn to him and how did you control the water with your finger and how and from where did you get that sword??" Percy opened his mouth to answer, but just then, Nico burst in. He looked so angry, that us wizards cowered under his gaze. Percy was grinning from ear to ear.
"PERSEUS JACKSON!!! What did you think you were doing! You will regret this!!" Percy cheekily smiled. I really didn't understand how he could do that when Nico's  glare was scary enough to turn you into a statue. Percy ran towards Thalia before Nico could touch him and did the same method of putting water up her nose. The moment her eyes opened I could see she was really really mad. Didn't see how Percy would survive.
"HOW DARE YOU, PERSEUS JACKSON!!!" She yelled. Her eyes seemed to be holding flashes of lightning. Percy looked terrified.
"Oh no, that was not smart," he said regretting his choice. Nico smirked.
"Yeah, and since when were you smart?" Nico twisted the black skull ring on his finger and it turned into this scary black sword while a spear appeared in Thalia's hands. Percy held out his sword a positioned himself in a fighting stance.

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