Chapter 10- Back to school for Kirby

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"Now performing a backwards body-dunking, grab-a-fish bungee jump Zack Martin!" Zack announced to a crowed of five people including Cody and me. Obviously I knew if he did this he would die, but that would be really funny. So I decided to watch and record it on my phone, but under protest.

" I can't let you do this even though I would love to inherit your single cabin." Cody said. I lightly smacked his arm.

"But really Zack you shouldn't do it. News flash YOU'RE GONNA DIE." I exclaimed.

"Come on guys, If Houdini's brother and best friend didn't let him do stunts, where would he be?" DID I JUST GET FRIEND ZONED...UGHHHHHHH.

"Alive." Cody and I both said bluntly.

"Bad example." He said then turned to do the jump, so I quickly pull out my phone but Cody shakes his head and lowers my hand. Right before Zack could jump Kirby grabbed a hold of him and ruined all the fun.

"Boy! This is dangerous and stupid. What are you thinking? I'll take this one." Kirby said as he placed Zack back on the ground. Cody tried to help Zack with his harness but Zack fell backwards and bumped into Kirby making Kirby fall over the edge.

"Not my fault." Zack and I both said then ran off.


The boys and I went to go apologize and make it up to Kirby for pushing him off the sky deck earlier. So we went on a searching for him but couldn't find him so we asked someone. We finally made it to the spot where he was at, and by that time I have done my workout for the week.

"Sorry, boys.This is senior bingo.Nobody under 75." Kirby said blocking us from getting in.

"No we're not here to play. B-I-N-G-hell no." I said snapping my fingers.

"We're here to apologize for earlier

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"We're here to apologize for earlier." Cody said.

"Did you bring a sandwich?" He asks and I giggle a little and nod.

"I thought you would say that." I said handing him the sandwich. Kirby had THE BIGGEST SMILE EVER.

"AWwWwWww Mara, thanks." He said.

"Anyway, we were checking the job listing board, which I do every hour on the hour, since I hate being towel boy." Cody said.

"And we noticed an opening for executive security guard." Zack continued.

"And we thought you would be perfect for it." And I finished it off.

"thanks, but I like my job now." Kirby said acting like it was true.

"Yeah, I think the fuck not. No one likes their job." I scoffed.

"The truth is I don't meet the job requirements. I never finished high school." He explained.

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