Chapter 15

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During every young girl's life comes a time where they experience the most dreaded initiation to their womanhood. And there would come a special day that this would eventually happen to her as well. It was a part of life's natural process.

The brown bushy haired girl knew this.

She has read books and endured the most awkward talk with her mother, one that she swore she would never let herself sit through again, as her dearest mother had personally ensured that she would be drilled with every single detailed information she could provide to prepare her for this moment.

But somehow all her mother's words and carefully stocked knowledge were plunge right through out her ears as she stared at the blood staining her knickers.

She screamed.

Right below her room was her gallant knight, preparing an afternoon snack who jolted in alarm as he heard his fair lady's call of distress. He took off covering the long flight of stair in a very impressive amount of short time, to run more faster than he has ever run before to her side. Harry entered her room and knocked banging the bathroom door.

"What's happening, Hermione?!"

The girl blushed and immediately blocked him from her subconcious thoughts thinking of the most ridiculously complicated arithmetic problems she could form in her head. The very last thing she wanted was for him to know what was happening with her.

"Open the door. Please, Hermione."

Harry all but begged imagining all kinds of dreadful scenarios that could possibly be happening to his friend. Did she slipped? Did she break her legs? Is she wounded? The thought of Hermione splattered all bloody on the cold shower floor drove the boy to pound harder at the door.


The girl yelled in her embarrassment. She was in a bloody situation alright, just not in the way he was thinking.

"What bloody situation?! Let me in, Hermione."

Harry couldn't follow her friend's line of thoughts as he had been preoccupied overthinking of what could possibly wrong with his usual energetic friend. He had overworked himself worrying about his friend's condition in these past few days where she had been feeling extra sluggish, torturing himself with thoughts that she may have caught some incurable disease. He couldn't understand all the incoherent thoughts that was ranning through her present mind. What he did understand was that Hermione needed him right now.

"I'm coming in, Her-"

"NO! DON'T COME INSIDE. I'm fine! I don't need you."

The girl winced as she realize what her words may have sounded to him. Though she did not have the courage to clear this one misunderstanding. Fortunately for her, the young boy decided not to listen to anymore of his friend's nonsensical protests and focus more on helping her right now.

Her eyes grew wider in panic as she saw the idea passing through his mind.


He chanted and door's lock magically flickered open. Before she could even think, the girl threw herself torwards the door just as the boy could hold it more open. Now, the two found themselves engaged in a rousing game of door ramming.

"Stop being stubborn and- LET. THE. DOOR. GO. HARRY!"

"Not until you tell me what's wrong!"

She could feel her energy slowly waning especially now with her present condition. She was in no shape to be doing anything that required physically exhertion. As much as she trusted Harry with her secrets and appreciated her friend's concerns, some matters were just best to be kept private.

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