Chapter 16

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"I'm dying."

The bushy brown haired girl groaned as she sunk herself further into the soft comfy couch, craving for dear sweet slumber to take her back.

Why the bloody hell would anyone subject themselves to the torture of waking up before the crack of dawn? She did not know.

"Stop being dramatic, Hermione."

Why she had to be subjected to the same torture her friend chose for himself? She did not know either. Hermione glared at the overly energetic boy, who was too unaturally cheerful this morning for her likings.

"I'm not being dramatic, Harry. Why did you wake me up anyways? Its not like you'll need me for that ridiculous morning training of yours."

The young girl paled as she saw his answer surfacing through his obviously loose head. He was out of his mind if he thought she would willingly surrender herself to his request.

His face broke into a full grin not seeming to make an effort to hide such derisive thoughts to his presently nervous friend at all.

"Oh dear, I think I'm feeling dizzy. You know what? I think I may be feeling a bit faint as well. Look at that, my face is getting sweaty too. I must coming down with some sort of fever."

She coughed clearly doing a poor job of acting sick judging by the boy's callous reaction.

"I think I should go back to bed. You think so too? Then, I'll just go ahead and leave you off to hurry along for your run now."

"Oh no. You don't. You're not getting out of this one, Hermione."

Harry sweared pulling the girl off from the comforts of her soft warm couch before she could even reattempt to slip away from him again. The boy had forcibly drag her across her own bedroom as she continued to make futile attempts to escape digging her heels to the wooden floor.

"Would you really subject a girl in my condition to physical torture?!"

She yelled in desperation trying to use the magic of guilt over her usually big-hearted gentle friend who has now brutely pushed her into her closet to  change.


Harry answered. She felt her jaw hit the ground, as she internally began to question herself if she had really just heard such curt reply come out from her sweet smothering motherhen of a friend.

"You can't guilt me over this one, Hermione. Its exactly because you are in this condition that I'm subjecting you to this physical torture as you like to put it. Exercising will help with the cramps." She rolled her chocolate melted eyes.

"Its just a jog, Hermione."

He added as if it could provide some consolation for the girl.

"You call it a jog. I call it physical torture. You call it exercising. And I call it stupidly wasting your energy." Now it was his turn to role his emerald jaded eyes.

"Just change your clothes, Hermione. Wear something comfortable."

"No. I will not-"

She froze mid sentence as she heard the boy silently promising himself in his thoughts that he would change her himself if the girl tried uttering one more protest.

"You wouldn't."

She gasped glaring through the securely locked door. He was lucky he was outside this closet right now.

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