My Sucky Arrival\ I HATE CHRIS part 1

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~~ I forgot to mention that she has reddish-brown hair with blue extensions not black hair. BTW DJ arrives after Justin in my story and Eva is right after Noah ~~


"Go die in a hole clock, i need sleep!" i groan out hitting my hand on everything but my alarm clock. Did i mention i hate mornings? well now you know. 

"Lillie get up and turn off your alarm clock." DJ says from the doorway, yawning.

"why don't you do it ? you're closer." i moan out in my pillow.

"says the one on the bed right next to it" DJ argues, but he turns it off for me anyway. "come on Lillie get up"

"No, i'm comfy!"  i complain, not even taking my face out from my pillow.

I feel some one dragging me off my bed and I scream. i grasp onto my headboard as i am getting pulled off by my wonderful, just wonderful, brother. that is until i lost my grip and slammed on my hard floor.  

This is how my mornings usually go. Well at least I will see my best friends, Justin and Eva, later,

Justin is my like another big brother to me and my fashion buddy. Some times i actually think he's gay because he likes modeling and fashion more than sports. He is not attractive to me because i've known him since 2nd grade. 

Eva is my gym partner for five years. Never touch her Mp3 or you will die. not even kidding, she will murder you if you take it. Well if you take mine and i didn't tell you to, then she would kill you too. 

Anyways, i rush around doing my morning routine in under 5 minutes, so i can finish packing.

"Mom where is mystery?" Mystery is my pet hawk. i have special permission to take her to keep me calm and not run away. I have depression and Mystery and my friends and family is the only thing that keeps me afloat. Enough on that sad note.


"Bye DJ see you later" I say as I wave goodbye to him and mama..

"See you baby girl\ kiddo" they say at the same time. I wave until I can't see them anymore and pop in my ear buds and click one song. Love the Way you lie by Rhianna.  Mystery is in her carrier beside me. I get her out and put her on my shoulder. I read my book until the island comes into view and Mystery flys away. i never worry about when she flys off because she always comes back.  I plug my Ipod into the stereo and put it on shuffle. Quietly, i sing along to Stay by Florida- Georgia line. It's my favorite song. right as the island comes in sight My songs know what you did in the dark by Fall Out Boy come on and i dance to it since we are still 4 minutes away.

I gather up my bags, step off the boat, and survey the area as I'm announced by Chris. of course we are at a run down summer camp so predictable. I shyly wave hi and walk over to a short brunette with braces who says her name is Beth, a goth girl named Gwen, and a party boy named Geoff. A girl with red hair and blue-green eyes named Morgan. I sit down on my luggage and start reading again. it takes me only a couple of seconds to get out a book and start reading. Absentmindedly i hum along to Glory and Gore by Lorde until I hear some one ask what book I'm reading in a smart tone. I flash the cover of my book so they can see the title and look up to see a tan brown hair boy in a sweater vest that screams know it all.

He holds out his hand and says "I'm Noah" just as Eva arrives.

"I'm Kaitlin but call me Lillie" I softly reply shaking his hand and turn to see Eva come up to the campers.

"Eva hi" I say before Chris tells us her name.

"who said my name?" she ask glaring at us before spotting me and come over and whispering in my ear. "what are you doing here? Why aren't you with Dj? and Mystery?"

"calm down Mystery is behind me and DJ is coming now. I'm surprising him."

"fine" she grumbles and drops her bag on a new camper's feet.

I hear a voice say from behind me "you look so cute i could eat you"

"don't eat me please" i say wide eyed as I'm swept up in a familiar bone-crushing hug.

"wait is that you Lillie" a chubby blond boy with a blue maple leaf on his shirt asks. "You look different."

"Owen?" i ask hopefully

"Lillie it is you!" Owen exclaims and pulls me in for another hug.

"what you know him, Eva, and DJ?"  Chris asks incredulously as I walk over and whisper to him.

"Owen was my best Friend back when i was living near the Falls. oh and I know Justin too"

"oh yeah go get in place for you know what" he reminds me. I nod and run off leaving the others confused.

i walk off and go to the chopper and get the harness on.  the chopper takes off without a sound. i pull open the door when i see mystery beside the chopper and she sits on my shoulder. the pilot looks freaked at this but says nothing. lets do this. 

~~hey guys sorry for the over long time that I didn't post. I am still trying to get it to be less sucky but I've only been writing for a couple of weeks tops and I am behind on my 4-h projects. Me being me lost my IPod and have been searching for hours to find it because it had the chapter and wattpad wasn't working on the laptop until today. I hope you like. I don't own nothing but Lillie and Morgan. hope you like part 1. sorry for the long wait again.~~ 

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