the sleep over

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"how are we going to fit you guys in" I look at the three bunk beds

"oh sis you know the drill" Nina smirks

"oh yeah" we smirk at each other."Everyone get your hair dye, laptops, and that. Were having a sleep over in the mess hall. don't tell anyone else but Courtney, Sadie, Tyler and maybe Harold. Bass sneak out after the elimination ceremony, and lock the doors okay go out the window and start moving the tables. Duncan steal some food from something. Let's move out!' I grab all of my stuff and speed grab my blue dye and that. I give my stuff to my sisters and they toke the other girls stuff and snuck out before Heather and her minions came in. 

"I'm gonna go change coming girls?" Gwen asks us. I nod with Leshawna and we walk out to gather just as the Bass come back with out Tyler, dang. why couldn't Sadie leave instead?

"DJ we have to wait for Heather to leave so it might take a while" he nods and we quickly change and walk back to the cabin.

"we're going to go change" yes! she's gone. We sneak out the window after locking the door. The boys (but owen who is already there) do the same and I close the windows and we run to the mess hall. 

The mess hall  has been decorated in blue, green, and purple streamer, confettii, Ectra. the tables are turned and pushed to the side with food on it.  My iPod is docked and playing Good Time by Owl city ft. Carly Rae Jespen everyone else but you who's are here. this is fun!


I smile at Nina as we talk in a corner. 

"So where have you been for all these years? you and Alyssa. I didn't see you at mom's funeral." 

She sighs. "I was in a coma for a month after the accident. When I woke up they said that I was to go to Grandma's and that you had been adopted, Alyssa was at an orphanage. Grandma was trying to get Alyssa but she is very sick. I was sent to boarding school this year on a scholarship and am going back next year too. Will you come vist sometime? we have family day every year."

I look at my twin. "Yeah why wouldn't I? You and Alyssa are the only family I have left" I point out in a 'duh' voice and we share a quick hug.

"Oh flower, goat come on lets watch the episodes so far!" Owen shouts. We walk over and Owen turns on my laptop. "is your password still Kakalovesweettea?" people start laughing.

"yeah until tomorrow" I grumble as he tpyes it in and gets on cliptube(?) and choses the first episode. We go through the first couple episodes until Nina speaks.

"hey how about we play truth or dare" Nina suggests and everyone else agrees."Lillie you start"

"okay izzy truth or dare?"

"oh oh dare me!" Izzy chooses

"make out with Owen for a minute"


Alyssa covered her eyes so Izzy could do her dare. "time over" she uncovered her eyes right when they pull apart.

"oh oh Nina truth or dare" she chooses truth.  "who do hate here"

"that would be Queenie" I high 5ed her.

"Kitty-kat-" I cut her off "truth!" 

" Do you like a certain bookworm? and why did you change?"

"wow you're so subtitle, goat. and I don't want to talk about it"

"I know right! and that's not going to work"

"dang it"

"answer the question or I'll make you listen to J Beaver, (no offense to belibers)" she waves her iPod.

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