Visiting Nina (During TDA)

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Well I was staying at Noah's house for a week or so, DJ and Mama were in Italy and I didn't want to go, so Noah's parents invited me to stay with them until DJ and Mama come back in 2 days for the Gemmi's. I like living with Noah's family it's like how things use to be. I see Alyssa everyday oh and Noah got a job. As my insane Uncle's personal assistant.

Speaking of him, he's been trying to get me to go to events with him. But I manage to not get caught on camera, much to Chris's annoyance. it's hard though since everyone is trying to catch me and Noah on camera.

Oh and he adopted Alyssa and is working on getting me and Nina too. But he stopped for some reason, I don't think that's good.

I got a record deal with Pop Sonic Records and am wroking on my songs. I've made sure that it's kept a secret til I finish an album.

So far, I haven't seen anyone else from the show but Noah, Owen, Eva, Gwen, and Justin in about a year.

IMy hair has turned red and I've added  purple stripes and let it grow out so it's down to my waist in tight ringlets of curls. I now am about 3 inches taller but so is Noah.-_- I wear my hair in a braid now instead of in a ponytail and have black glasses.

I am visited Nina today with Noah at her boarding school in Hollywood. We pulled up to the house she lives in with a group of friends. I walk to the front door with Noah and knock on the door.

"I swear if you forgot your keys again Jose" a red head opens the door. "Nina come here a sec?"

My sister peeks her head in the doorway "oh Kaitlin, Noah come in." The red head moves back and we walk in to the 3 story blue house.

"everyone's in the living room." she nods towards a room to the left. "do you want a drink?"

"Sweet tea and a coffee?" Noah looks at me and I nod, confirming it. We follow her to the kitchen.

"Total drama's premiering tonight" my sister casually says as she pours our drinks.

I freeze and Noah rubs my back. "what!" she nods, picks up our drinks, and walk out of the room. Noah drags us after her. We walk in a room with a wall made of glass. About 6 people stare at us and Nina stops.

"guys this is my twin Kaitlin"-I give her a death glare but Noah wraps his arm around me calming me instantly-"and her sarcastic boy-toy Noah" He glares at her too.

"Gee I feel the love Neens" Noah glares at her making me giggle and him smile at me.

"I'm Patricia" the red head from earlier speaks.

"I'm Jerry" a blond hair boy speaks "and this is Fred" he points to a black haired boy.

"Hello i'm Natalie" a preppy blond that kinda reminds me of Courtney when she's nice. "this is my boyfriend Austin"

"Mary I never heard about you" a black haired girl reading a book looks up, instead.

I sit down on Noah's lap on the love seat and sigh "watch the show." I tell her and turn to her just as Noah's phone rings. He looks at it and sighs. "I'll be back you-know-who's calling" I get up and Noah walks out of the room.

"of course he calls now!" Everyone else looks at me confused. "our devil of an uncle roped him into being his personal assistant"

"It's on!" Natalie points to the TV as Noah comes in.

"great watching Chris make us look like idiots yay!" Noah sits down and scoots me on his lap as the show starts.

"I know right" I lay my head on his shoulder as I watch Beth walk of the boat and call Chris short. Nina turns to me.

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