sports great

364 11 4

I wake up feeling tired the next two days after sleeping for most of them. After getting dressed I head to the mess hall and sit between Noah and Owen.

"morning sleeping Beauty" Noah chuckles. I just glare at him.

"Oh shut up! who won?"

"We did, Gwen stayed up last."

"who went home?"

He looks at me with pity "Eva, she went on a rampage"

"oh" I realized something I've been talking more than I have in 2 years! And I feel like I belong here, too. like the you-know-what never happened.

"Duncan dude you look like crap" Chris laughs

"stuff it"

Miss CIT talks about how Harold was snoring and kept up everyone. Then, Harold comes in with a fake mustache on his face and we laugh at him. He looks confused until Geoff tells him and likes it! Gwen arrives and we clap while she sits down.

"I'm so tired, I can't feel my face" she face plants.

Heather taunts the Bass "Hey fish heads way to vote off your strongest player you should just give up now" Courtney throws her bowl of paste at Heather but hit Gwen instead. Morgan starts to get up but DJ holds her back and she instantly calms down.

"Missed me- who threw that?" I had threw my bowl at her for Courtney.

"Thanks Lillie" I nod.

Heather storms toward me "you little. you'll pay for this"

With a burst of confidence I say "put it on my tab" and turn away as she walks back to her seat.

Chris tells us to go this gym in the middle of the woods in 10. Duncan collapses and threatens his team while we pay attention to Chris. Our challenge is dodge ball, which I hate! When I hear Chris say that 2 of our people have to sit out, I volunteer with Noah. Sitting beside him, I read the book harry potter and the Goblet Of Fire with him. Owen, Lindsey, Leshawna, Cody, and Heather played in the 1st round. we end up winning the 1st and 2nd game ,though Tyler threw a ball at the stands and we all jump off the stands. Every 10 minutes Noah would make a comment and Heather complained that we didn't play yet, then insulted the other team who just now woke up Duncan. Just to stop Heather's complaining I start to head in but Justin pushes me towards the bleachers. 

"stay with Noah! you won't get voted off trust me." I nod. Morgan looks at me confused but looks away once she notices me looking. weird. 

Morgans POV (surprise):

Lillie starts go out on court and I am confused, she shouldn't after what happened to her.  Dad showed her  file to me. As to who my dad is, it's Chris. Surprise, surprise huh. DJ is the only one that knows though because I accidentally told him at the Awake-a-thon.

Flashback: "Hey DJ lets talk!"

"OK Morgan so what do you think of the challange?"

"I think It's ridiculous! I have no idea how my dad came up with this" I rant.

"whoa wait Chris is your dad?"

"no Yes maybe?" he  gives me a look "okay yes he is. pleaze don't tell anyone!"

" I won't"


Justin tells her something and she nods and leaves.  I musta been staring at her too long cause she caught me. I look away. We follow duncan's strategy and win! (she was in instead of Courtney).

We make Harold sit out as Heather rants to the other team. Lillie rolls her eyes and starts to leave but Queenie makes her stay and she walks out instead. She returns later with Lindsey in tow as the round ends. 

Lillie's POV:

we lost a 2nd round and going on 3rd. Surprisingly we are getting Bass players out.

"knock em' out threw them out ra ra" Noah lazily chants and a ball comes out of nowhere and knocks him on me. 

"you're right sports aren't your forte" Heather snide as Noah gets off me, blushing a bit.

"sorry' He helps me up.

Gwen gets miss CIT out for the oatmeal and then everyone but Owen and Harold are out too. Yeah, we might win this! 

Owen starts throwing balls at Harold, who dodges them all. What!

"whoa" Noah drops his book!

Courtney calls a time out and they give him a mini pep talk it looks like. The game starts again.

"kalabunga!" Harold is sent back to the wall by the ball. It's silent as we wait to see if he's out. He raises his hand with the ball in it. 

"the killer Bass win"

"It's impossible! Why!" Owen crys

"Gophers what happened?"

"what can I say weak effort" Noah replies.

"oh cram it Noah!" Gwen storms off as I slap him, to his surprise, and follow her with everyone but Jus, owen, and Trent. Jerk! I can't belive him! I'm so voting for him. 

At the voting ceremony, I blank him, . Chris babbles on and we start voting.

Lillie: I'm voting for Noah. He needs to learn that it was also his fault atleast I have a reason"

It comes down to me and Noah. "the final marshmellow goes to ......... Lillie."

"what are you kidding me?" I grab my marshmellow and hug Jus and high 5 Leshawna. "alright see if I care!  Good luck cause you just voted out the only one with any brains" we all throw our marshmellows at him. "ow"

"you need to learn a little thing called respect, turkey!" Leshawna rants. We cheer.

"whatever I'm out of here" He leaves and I regret nothing!

Lilllie: was I friends with him yes. Do I regret voting him? No way! Jerk!

~~yay! fair's almost here! tomorrow I have to take in my rabbits and pick a cage. I'm so excited! But on a sad note, my cake judging is in 1 hour and 22 minutes, NOOO! well wish me luck kl3 ~~

~~the next chapter is a 2-parter where you find out what the accident is. kl3~~

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