camping with Heather. I'd rather get voted off.

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 ~~warning: this is going to be short. I dont have any inspiration for this episode at all so yeah. It's more of a summery~~

Chris calls us all to the bonfire once we wake up the next morning. he tells us that we have to get to our teams campsite and stay the night in the woods. I have been camping before so I can possibly deal with this.

we walk in the woods till we get to the campsite and I fall asleep right as Owen leaves to get food cause the walking was long and I'm still tired.  I don't hear them screaming at all and I woke up before them all and screamed to wake up them up. They weren't to happy about that and Heather started to argue with Izzy and Owen.  

By the time we got there, the Bass were there. Heather yelled at Owen until I pressure pointed her and Chris said that we won cause the twins weren't there. The twins came out after he said that and started rambling on about a bear? and a bat filled cage? what? then, we got to go to the Tuck shop and I raided out the sweet tea (I'm addicted to it), the other candy, apples, and juices (monsters count as jucies to me). (I got owen to carry them for me and I picked up an empty duffle bag in the store). Cody suggested that we have another hot tub party and it was awesome until Owen puked. Beth wouldn't get in and I was talking to Gwen a few feet away, while glaring at heather. the Bass voted off Sadie and we could hear her crying from the hot tub. Owen ate to many chocodilies and stunk up our cabin. Great! just great!

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