My secrets revealed part one

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I wake up to Lindsey's whining about her fake tanner running to Gwen and go get dressed as Chris starts talking through the loud speaker, telling us to meet at this amphitheater. I go and run to try and atleast have a bite to eat. Chef meets me at the door and gives me an apple.

"thanks" he nods and I run to the theather

Once we find it and sit down, Lindsey starts going on about musicals until Chris comes and tells us that we're having a talent show. Chef is judging us too. uggh!


"okay i'm team captain. so this is how it's going 2 work" Heather starts.

"Wait who said you were team captain" Gwen intterups

"agreed" I point to Gwen.

"she did just now" Lindsey pipes up.

"Lindsey, Beth, and I voted and I won"

"that is not democratic" I say before gwen can.

Trent comes and gives Gwen a muffin, awe, and Heather asks him if it's okay for her to lead.

"right on! go for it" he says. Great! She starts to talk and I zone her off.

Owen chuggs down a 2 litter pop and burps the alphabet after. the boys cheer and Trent compliments him as Queenie starts having a hissy fit. Get over it! Owen mention's tooting Beethoven and I start to leave with my song book and IPod.

"where are you going?" Heather asks.

"anywhere but where you are" I keep walking and hear Gwen saying that she's coming too.

we walk in the forest and I stop at a tree with her and we start writing and i also sing.

"wow you're good!" Gwen tells me as I start singing Wake Me Up by Avicii. "you have to be in the show!"

"as if Heather would let me. Besides I have stage fright" We continue writing in silence until Cody comes and I leave to put my song book away and wait for the show.


Trent comes up to me after awhile. "Lillie I need you to help me with my act!" he pleads.

"What do I have to do?"

"sing with me"

"no I have stage fright!"

"come on pleaze! it will make heather mad."

"I'm in!"

"okay this is what you do" he tells me the plan and it's perfect!! Revenge is a female dog like karma!


Jus is 1st with model poses and DJ after him, doing a ribbons dance. Just gets a 5/9 while DJ a 2/9 because he fell. Me and Trent are next. Once Trent comes out, he announces that his is a two part (we told Chris the plan which he agreed to). Trent starts singing and then after he's done I start singing Popular song by Mika ft. Arianna Grande behind a curtain. At the second verse I come out from behind the curtains.

Everyone's jaw dropped and Heather looked as though she was going to murder me. I run away to the bleacher as Chef gave us 8/9. Gwen high 5ed me and everyone cheered. Bridgette came out and was walking on her hands until she threw up everywhere (not me) and fell on Tyler.

After they cleaned up everything, Heather came out with my song book and Gwen's journal, crap!

"originally I was going to dance for you, but instead I want to do a team collaboration" she waves them temptingly.

"she wouldn't" Gwen and I gasp.

"so with words by Gwen and Lillie, Lillie's 1st, read by me." she clears her throat and opens my songbook.

"Hey it's me I just got this from Momma. she told me to write about what happened to get it off my chest so here it goes. I remember it like it was yesterday, yet it was when i was 13 so about 2 years ago. I was face chatting Owen, my best friend, on my way to school like we do every Monday morning, well use to, fighting with Nina, my twin, and painting a green four leaf clover (it was saint Patrick's day) on Alyssa, my 3 year old sister when it happened or that's what Owen told me. I only remember what happened next. (Everything that i described almost exactly happened to me in the 1st part except for the Alyssa part, the rest is fake, no pity please) A car crashed into us and we spun around fast, a high pitched noise sounding, i covered Alyssa and yelled out "i love guys" as my seat belt came off me' people gasped 'I felt cold air on the back of my head and after a minute it stopped. I was sprawled out with my iPod my mom had just got me to my chest. (done)

Owen was still on their when I picked it up, screaming my name. I looked at him and said "call 911" his mom was and I moved so me and Owen could see my family. Mom was slumped over. I screamed with Owen and looked to see Nina passed out, not responding in the passenger seat. Alyssa was awake just shook up, her glasses broken on the seat. they had cut me. I told her not to fall asleep and to try to open her door, she couldn't. I looked to see that we were on the edge almost on top of the guard rail. I feel cold air hit me as a man opens my door.

"Are you two alright?" He asked us. "we're fine but their not" I tell him as I get Alyssa out and grab our school bags

"Lillie I'm almost there" Owen says as I turn it off. the man takes us 40 yards down the intersection to where the crash happened and lead us to his truck. he blasted the heat for us as the ambulances arrived. Owen arrived then he ran towards us and bear hugged us lightly.

"Owen, Katy why weren't they awake, Nina and mom!" Alyssa asked.

"We don't know sweetie" I pick her up and walk with Owen to the ambulance that was the closest. a paramedic saw us and came over immediately.

"There's the other two and who are you?" she asked Owen

"He's my friend I was video chatting him when it happened." I told her. she nodded and lead us in the ambulance. we had to wear this cone thing on our necks and I was questioned with Owen and almost separated from Alyssa, they wanted to fly me down to Nationwide children's and her to the local hospital but I refused to unless she came with me. they cut our jeans legs and sleeves off and stick needles in us until the copper arrived we were both carried to it on stretchers and put in side by side. Owen's mom was letting him come down to the hospital with us instead of school.

I still can't remember what I did that month. I only had to have stitches and Alyssa was okay not at all harmed. once we were discharged and at Owen's house, we were told that mom had died. so I bought Alyssa a stuffed rabbit. we were separated the next day.'" I ran off in the woods as she starts reading my awake-a-thon entry, everyone else to shocked to notice.

It's out, my secrets are out.

~~next on by Thursday cuz tomorrow and Wednesday I have to show my rabbits BTW the video is the theme song for this story~~

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