MNDE (My near death experience)

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~~by the way for the intro Lillie is trying to untie Noah until she is caught and chased by Chef, Morgan with Katie and Sadie watching Justin. At the end Lillie's by Tyler and Noah while Morgan is by DJ.~~

i while Chris starts talking. "Okay to days challenge is a three fold. your 1st task is to jump off this 1000 ft high Cliff into the lake" oh how I hate you Chris.

"Piece of cake" Bridgette says easily to Tyler.

Chris starts talking again. "If you look down you'll see two target areas. the wider area represents the part of the lake we have stocked with physcotic, man-eating sharks.inside that area is a safe zone, that's yourtarget area. which we are pretty sure is shark free" What the heck. 

"Excuse me?" Leshawna asks. while i mummer "pretty sure?" terrified under my breathe and Morgan yells out "what the hell Chris". Noah and Eva give me worried looks. 

that jerk ignores us and continues "for each member of your team that jumps and actually survives there will be a crate waiting for you inside each crate are supplies that you will need for the 2nd part of the challenge. Building a hot tub. the team with the best one gets a hot tub party tonight and the losers will be sending someone home. Lets see killer bass are up 1st." At least its not us.

"oh wow ... so who wants to go first?" Bridgette asks. no one volunteers.

Owen decides to try and help. "hey don't sweat it, guys. I hear that these shows always make the interns do the stunt 1st to make sure it's survive able. The only thing i could see is chef jumping and almost getting mauled by a shark. 

"so who is up?" Eva asks

"Ladies 1st" Duncan the idiot (his new nickname) tells her.

Bridgette walks to the edge. "fine I'll go it's no big deal only an insane cliff dive into a ring of angry sharks" and jumps in the safe zone with Tyler following and landing on a buoy.  ow. Geoff, Eva, Morgan and Duncan jump and it's DJ's turn, who is afraid of highs.

"uh-uh no way man I'm not jumping. " he says scared I go over and hug him.

"scared of highs?" Chris asks.

"ya ever since I was a kid" That definitely brings back bad memories for him it is too hard to explain.

"that's okay big guy unfortunately that also makes you a chicken so you will have to wear this the rest of the day" he puts a chicken hat on DJ's head. that mean idiot! 

"aw man for real!"

Chris makes chicken noises at him "that means the chicken path is thata way" he points over his shoulder at an convent escalator that we have ridden up here! Jerk! "next" he calls as DJ shamefully rides it down.

Ezekiel jumps and hits his head on a rock but manages to land in the safe zone, Harold lands with his legs spread owch, and miss I'ma CIT chickens out saying she has a 'medical condition' then she insults our team. yeah right. 

"so Let's tally up the results hold on thats 9 jumpers and 2 chickens we're missing one" chris says

"I'm not jumping without Katie" sadie tells him

"we have to be on the same team Chris! PLEASE!" Katie says and they continue to beg until Chris gets fed up and allows it and switch Izzy to our team and Sadie on Bass. They jump and make it as he tallys up the score. "that's 10 jumpers and 2 chickens Screaming Gophers if you can beat that we'll throw in a pull cart to put your crates on"

"nice! okay guys who's up first?" Trent asks no one steps up. 

"no there is no way I'm doing this" the female dog herself says. Long story short she didn't want to get her hair wet and  had an insult off with Leshawna, who threw her off. It was funny.  I was laughing so hard it toke me 3 minutes to calm down and Leshawna, Lindsey, Gwen, Cody, Izzy, and Justin had jumped. When I finally look down and see Justin in the none safe zone I gasp and bury my head in Noah's shoulder as he gives me a half hug to cheer me up. Without realizing it, I start crying until Noah told me he was safe on shore and I saw him myself. Sure enough he was. 

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