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After I finish answering DJ's and Jus's questions, we head to the campfire and i lay down on the ground in front of the stumps and wait for Chris to start. i end up zoning out until i hear

"here's the deal campers we're going to split you into two teams. if i call your name go stand over there. Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsey, Beth, Katie, Owen, Lillie, Leshawana, Justin, and Noah. From this moment on you are officially known as" he tossed us a green flag which unrolled and showed a gopher that was.. screaming? "The Screaming Gophers" Can gophers scream? 

"yeah I'm a gopher whoo!" Owen exclaims happily.

"wait what about Sadie?" Katie asked confused.

Chris ignored her. "the rest of you over here, Geoff, Bridegette, DJ, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, ezekelial (sorry i can't spell his name), Morgan, Duncan, Eva, Harold. Move move move!"

"But Katie's a gopher. I have to be a gopher!" Sadie complained.

"Sadie is it? Come one, it will be okay." Courtney tells her.

"this is so unfair. i miss you Katie." she half screams.

"i miss you too." Katie crys out reaching for her look alike.

"you guys will offically beknown as" their flag unrolled to show a fish. "The Killer Bass"

"but what about Lillie's problem? I have to be with her!" DJ asks pointing at me. i hide my face in my hair as everyone looks at me but DJ and Chris.

"yeah we are aware of that and that is why she has her pet." he tells DJ.

"what are you talking about Mist (his nickname for Mystery that i hate)isn't here?" Dj points out as i walk over to him and slap the back of his head twice."ow kiddo sorry! sorry! where is Mystery?" I clap my hands in a specail way and she flys over onto my shoulder and nips my ear softly as the others gawk at me.
"What you haven't seen her before like really people Mystery before? she was on her head for a bit when she scared DJ here." Noah points out for me. I nod my head in thanks to him as I walk back over to my team and stand by Justin.
Absentmindedly I zone out again until Chris tells me to go to the confessional. I walk in the out house and am disgusted by it, but I sit down any way.
"Ok it is cool here having my friends with me and leshawna and Gwen seem cool. I'm not to sure about Noah though and Heather is a word I'm not allowed to say. but this might be a cool summer. "
I walk over with everyone else as we are told which cabin is for who. we are in the east cabin, Bass the west. I claim a random top bunk and to my surprise, Gwen takes the bottom.
"Can I bunk with you?" she asks shyly. I nod and smile at her before walking outside with her and a book.

I sit down at the table closest to the door and start reading on of my favorite books Cross My Heart and Hope To Spy by Ally Carter. I am a quarter through when I am picked up by someone and drop my book.

"Hey! put me down!" I start fighting the realize that it's Owen and I accidentally had kicked Noah who was to my right, Owen on my left. "Sorry Noah"

"Nope not putting you down you have to eat. any ways DJ wants you and I'm suppose to bring you to him." He explains.

"But my book it's my favorite! can we go and get it? please!" I beg in his ear.

"Noah has it now come on lil' one" he throws me over his shoulder as Noah starts following us I reach and grab my book from him. Noah starts laughing as I open it and continue reading it. The uneven ground makes it hard to read with my book bumping up and down.

"Hey man you found her. where was she?" DJ asks as Owen sets me down in the bass cabin.

"She was in the mess hall reading her book." he replies. "I picked her up and she accidentally kicked Noah in the face. it was hilarious."

"Thanks for that. now to get her attention. Lillie! kiddo! Lillie! Kaitlin!"
I feel the book ripped out of my grip and look up at my big brother annoyed. he laughs with Owen and Noah, who is still here surprisingly.

"Anyway kiddo you forgot some of your books and your camera." I made a 'oh yeah' face and he took the rest of my Gallenger girls books and blue flip camera. I grab them hug DJ excitedly as thanks and run over to my cabin when I hear Lyndsey scream. I rush and see everyone trying to kill a cockroach and drag Dj away before he breaks my bed. i wait until it's killed then unpack in 7 minutes ( I'm on the schools track team), and run back to the mess hall.

Hurrying over to my freinds in line, i move up to stand by them.But,once i see the food I head back to grab my bag of Frito's and sit between Trent and Noah with Owen in front of me.DJ places a plate of gruel in front of me. it wasn't long until I push my plate over to Owen after I see my food move.

"So flower, how have you been since the you-know-what happened? How's nina? Alyssa? i haven't seen them at all since then." Owen asks softly so only me, Trent, and Noah could hear as he tries to catch my sandwich. i feel the color drain from my face and hold back tears.

Sighing, i motion for him to follow me outside and get weird and some worried looks from everyone. He nods and follows me.

"oh Owen, I haven't seen Alyssa, let alone my own twin! they won't let me see Nina! I don't even know if they are alive! no one will tell me, the only thing I know is that mom and dad died and I was put in foster care!" Tears start falling and won't stop, i hear the door open and close and soon I'm surrounded by seven people. they hug me (noah's was and awakward hug) and DJ managed to calm me down by saying things like "you'll see them again' or "they have to be alright" to stop my crying. DJ already knows what i told Owen. Everyone walks in in time to see chef throw a knife at Geoff.

"Wow It's cool G brown slop is fine" Geoff reassures chef and we nod our heads scared.
"Your next challenge begins in one hour." Chris tells us and walks out. Great!
Kati asks what we are all thinking "what do you think they will make us do?"
DJ says the one thing you should never say "It's our first challenge, how hard can it be?" his team is damned.
Chris pops his head in and tells us to change into our swim suits. I grab my blue and purple bikini and change quickly and head up the hill.

~~sorry for it being late i forgot about my 4-h project, cake decorating, and forgot to take pictures so I had to redo all five cakes and have judging on the 28th and you have to fill out the three books and my rabbit book for this year is lost. so sorry~~

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