I should have keep my mouth shut!

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Since Owen stunk up our cabin, we decide to go down and sit with the Bass around the campfire. Me on Owen's shoulder.

"what do you guys want come to rub it in?" Courtney asks

"we got some extra dessert left over from our tuck shop party though you might want some" Trent replies

"so what you're just being...nice?" she asks

"okay Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air out" Gwen says. Owen toots and Trent  says "ewe dude"

"Trent carry me to DJ? I don't want to be around Owens gas no offense Owen."

"that's fine" I move onto Trent's back and he carries me over to DJ and I sit down on Dj's lap and stare, sleepily at the fire and listen as everyone starts to confess their worst fears.

DJ: snakes

Morgan: storms

Tyler: chickens

Miss CIT: green jelly (even though she claims to not have a fear)

Beth: being covered in bugs

Heather: sumo wrestlers

Harold: ninjas

Gwen: being buried alive

Leshawna: spiders

Owen and Izzy: flying

Sadie and Lindsey: bad hair cuts

Bridgette: being alone in the woods

Geoff: hail

Cody: having to defuse a time bomb under pressure

"I'm not really afraid of anything" miss CIT said 

"baloney" Duncan coughed.

"OK really what exactly is your phobia Mr. know it all" we all lean in closer to hear him.

"Celina Deone (sp?) music store standees" he muttered

"uh exqueeze me? I didn't quite get that" cody mocked

"dude did you say Celina Deone (sp?) music store standees" Trent asked as duncan hid his face.

Lindsey said something about her loving Celina Deone and what a standee is. Trent explained and Courtney continued to mock Duncan.

"so if we had one right now.."

"shut it! what's your fear Lillie, Trent?" he asked I thought for a minute

"it's either falling in love or finding out what happened to my sisters" i mummer, blushing

"mine's mimes. come on Courtney you have to be afraid of something spite it out" Trent probed.

"nope, nothing" 

I gasp and everyone looks at me. "Lillie what's wrong" my brother asks, concerned.

"we just told them our worst fears, what if they make a challange out of them?" everyone else realizes it to and we go to bed. 


I get up and braid my hair today instead of putting it in the usual ponytail and head to the mess hall smiling. I sit inetween Gwen and Leshawna as Heather storms in with a sharpie mustace and bad smelling hair "You little freak! you put ird poop in my shampoo and drew a mustace on my face!"

"It wasn't me I was with Gwen, Leshawna, and Bridgette." they nod and back me up as Heather sits down.

"campers your next challenge I like to call phobia factor! Prepare to face your worst fear" Chris announces.

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