Me and Noah?/ DJ arrives filler

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I wake up from a restless sleep and look at my alarm clock, It's 4:19. Groaning I head out to the outside couch. I know that Noah's out there.

"Hey Noah." I say as I collapsed next to him, my head on his shoulder as Give Your Heart A Break by Demi plays. he wraps an arm around me.

I sing along to the songs I know and read along with Noah to The Hunger Games.

I turn on the TV and spy on everyone that's left at camp: DJ, Morgan, Izzy, leshawna, Duncan, Gwen, Geoff, and Owen. DJ and Morgan are both trying to hide behind each other and failing badly. Izzy, Gwen, and Duncan are all laughing at the movie and enjoying it. the others, but Owen who's scared, aren't afraid.

I bet Duncan is going to scare DJ soon so I write a note, give it to Mystery, tell her what to do, and send her off.

My predictions ends up being true and Mystery swoops down and bites his ear before showing the note.

"This is so like Harry Potter it's not funny." he remarks then opens the letter "'Duncan don't scare my brother like that, It's my job! every time you do, Mystery will bite you or scratch you.

With awesomeness that, trust me you need. Lillie

P.s. I knew that you have already made a remark about it being harry potterish and thanks I was going for that!' what the! Mystery pooped on me!" The owl takes off and he did.

I smirk and turn off the Tv and nap until 5 then go to the pool for my swim lessons from Noah, he never comes in only instructs me.

After that, I go and talk with Lindsey and Beth.

"Lila (she remembers my real name but prefers Lila) have you had your 1st kiss yet with Nolan?" she asks as we are tanning.

I blush. "Lindsey I'm not dating Noah! But no I haven't had my 1st kiss yet" My scowl at  her 1st then it turns into embassressment.

"Wow even I've had my 1st kiss!" Beth says, shocked.

"I'm just waiting for the1" I shrug before my blue phone vibrates, getting a text. I check it and see that's from Noah and read it. I roll my eyes at it "I gotta go guys. Izzy toke Noah's book  and is trying to get him to go alligator hunting with her again"  Yep that's right, again.

"kay see you later!" they chirp as I leave and head to TV room. Besides I'm suppose to hang out with Izzy in 10 minutes so we can spy on people.


Later that night.

Everyone else went inside but we stayed outside and talked while reading about our selves, family, ect. I learned that Noah can speak German, has a dog named shakesphere, 2 liitle siblings and 6 older (five sisters and 3 brothers), he has a twin sister thats an hour younger, and his favorite color is read. He learns that I can speak Spanish, German, English (of course) and am learning French, my favorite animal is a fox or a rabbit, blue is my favorite color, I have a pet rabbit, owl, and a cat and that I used to be in 4-H.

You see this is our routine. Im always having night mares so I go to Noah because I feel safe. It's so cliche. But we're not dating, cause we avoid that convo.

"Noah what are we? friends? best friends? more?" He looks over at me and closes his book.

"Honestly I have no idea" he sighs.

"What do you want us to be?" I ask

"This will answer you question." he tells me. Then he hugs me and kisses my forehead then two things happen. 1 being a camera flash and 2 DJ comes in and screams "my eyes their burned".

we pull away to see everyone around us and we both blush.

"Someone has a boyfriend!" my twin and Bridgette sing together.

"I haven't asked her yet. anyway Kaitlin Lillie Hart will you go out with me?"

"Yes I will Noah Liam Hayden." we hug and the girls "awe".

DJ turns to Noah. "I swear that I will kill you if you hurt her at all." 

"We 2nd that" my sister agree and Noah looks scared.

"I would never do that to her on purpose! I like her not hate!" he promises. They all leave and we go back to talking about our past.

"What else don't I know about you?" He asks me 

"oh let me think.... a nationally ranked gymnast." He was very surprised about that one. 

"so does that mean that you're really bendy?" I don't like where this is going. -_-

I nod "yes I am. i stopped only 6 months ago for compititions only"

"Prove it! put your feet behind your head." I roll my eyes and do it, only to have him tickle me. Evil! Evil Noah! he runs inside grinning.

I unroll and run after him "Noah!" I run inside and follow him until he slams his door. I grin and crawl into the air duct, Izzy showed me how, to him and Trent's room and drop down silently behind him and wave to Trent, who waves back.

"gotcha!" I wrap my arms around him as he turns around and he spins me. his revenge is later.


I sneak over inside his room and sleep in there like usual, my head on his chest and his arm on my waist. Trent doesn't mind and we never tell DJ about this or he would kill Noah.

"You okay?" Noah plays with my hair as he talks.

"Yeah just  thinking."

"what about?"

"how much I like you and want to kiss you right now"

"then we should miss" he uses a pompous voice. "Go to sleep I'll be here when you wake"

"'kay night King sarcasm"

"night Queen sarcasm" he chuckles and kisses my forehead and I fall asleep.

~~ Hey guys! I decided to do a filler chapter to explain her life at Playa. I was going to add more but at my youth group's amping trip, I forgot to put on sunscreen and my face, shoulders, and arms are sunburned badly.

Oh and the camping trip was fun. After we got there we ate and them went to Put-in-bay.  We ended up renting 3 4 seating golf carts and I was in a golf cart with our youth group leader driving, my sister's ex-best friend (we get along), and her friend that sat behind her just to annoy mostly her. Yeah I tried to push him off like 3 times because he was standing up, while we where driving at 15 mph, and he was shaking the golf cart. Yeah he's an douche, putting it lightly but nice at times. We had a slow speed golf cart race around the island, went on the war memorial, got chocolate, saw old cars, almost left him there twice on accident, had to take pictures at almost every 20 ft, got a dead fish head thrown towards me and msebf by him (i slapped him for that), then left. so to sum it up, it was amazingly fun and I got to slap someone upside the head.

I went swimming with the two that I rode with in the golf cart and his brother in the adult pool after we got back. It was like 7 1/2 ft deep and I'm 5'2 along with msebf who is older then me so it was fun for jumping in. The one guy's brother jumped in sitting on a chair, landed on a stool once and something happed next that I can't tell you what then left, I ended up getting Ice cream with the other two then we ate supper. he ended up losing msebf's money so we looked for it then brought candy and ate it on top of a platform at the park outside (it was about 10:30 but we were safe because they have high security before having ice cream.

We only went swimming on Thursday since we didn't have that much time but we and msebf were only sitting down and we were told to leave. so we headed back to the camper with her friend (who is always with her) since they had only a family, kiddie, and adult pool. no teenagers pool it sucked. Our youth group leader ranted the empoleye's and got it so that we could swim and that's when I got sunburned. After that we left.  

oh and today I was watching Yamimash play slenderman while my rabbit Snickers was out. Right when he gets scared by slender man by rabbit jumps on the recliner near my head, scaring me. -_- Oh and I love this song.

sorry I got carried away there and guys I need help picking out a song for them. So please sent some in. anyways keep doing what you wanna kl3~~

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