the finale

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"Sweetie wake up" I hear a voice whisper. I wake up to see Noah standing above me.

"what time is it?" I ask and get up.

"9 we have to go back to the island for the final episode yippee!" sarcasm laces his tone, making me laugh.

"okay" I yawn and peck his cheek. "I'll be out in 20 minutes you can sit if you want" I say while I gather my clothes and that and get ready. i take a 10 minute shower then, choose to wear my new blue sundress today instead of my usual outfit with a matching blue headband and converse with my hair curled in larger waves. I put on foundation, eye liner, three different colors of blue eye shadow, and lip gloss."I'm ready!" I call walking out the door. I sort through my purse as I walk out of my bathroom.

"You look..." I look up to see Noah's jaw is dropped at me.

"Do I look bad?" Noah shakes his head. "Good" I exhale the breath I never realized i was holding and give him a peak on the cheek him. "now hurry up or we'll miss the boats" I walk out of the room and Noah follows me.

"wait up!" I laugh and stop so he can catch up to me.

"come on shorty" I tease him.

"You're the shorty!" he protests.

"No, I'm 5' 2'."

He victoriously smirks. "and I'm 5' 5'" dang it! I glare at him, Cross my arms and pout.

"meanie!" Morgan, DJ, My Sisters, and Bridge laugh at us. They keep walking while I stay the same, Noah turns around.

"Am I gonna have to carry you?" I nod. He sighs and easily picks me up. "wow your light! Even lighter than my 12 year old sister!"

"thanks" I mess up his hair as he rolls his eyes.

"Thank you so much for messing up my hair" I laugh at his sarcasm as we walk to a boat with all my Friends and sit down next to each other.

"your welcome!" I mess his hair up more before yawning. "I'm going back to sleep it's not noon yet!" i pout making the rest laugh at me as I lay my head on the seat rest and fall asleep.


"Lillie we're here wake up or I'll dump water on you!" my twin threatens making me shot up and punch someone in the face. I open my eyes to see i punched Tyler.

"sorry Tyler" I smile sheepishly at him.

"It's okay Lillie" the fail jock smiles reassuring at me while a bruise starts to form around his cheek. We walk over and see people standing in a tent listening to an intern explain we have to pick on two different stands for Owen to the left and Gwen to the right.

"where are you going to sit?" Noah asks me. I think for a second.

"owen's he's like my big brother" I say and nod over to Owen's at the same time Noah says "I'm cheering for Owen" I laugh and he smirks.

"Lets go vamoose!" I grab Noah's hand and wait for our que. Noah chuckles and lets me lead him to the tent. "I'm tired" I yawn as we walk inside and lay my head on his shoulder, his arm around me.

An intern comes over and says to us "Your on in 5 start walking out" I groan at this.

"Why do we have to be here? Haven't we been tortured enough?" I groan after we get there and Noah starts rubbing my back, comfortingly then stops after a minute and takes his arm away as I walk ahead alittle.

"no, no you haven't." >< the devil says. I groan in frustration and glare at him, he is annoying me.

Noah sees this and puts his arm around me, calming me slightly. "Calm down you can just imagine his head exploding or something." I laugh at this making Owen and Gwen, who we have just walked up to, look over at us.

"Flower! I've missed you so much!" Owen says and I wave to him. I head over to Noah, who saved me a seat on Owen's side.

Chris has them tell what they would spend it on Gwen's: tuition and Owen's was a party, making all but 4 leave Gwen's side. then Chris explains the reject Olympics but I ignore him and concentrate on Noah's hand rubbing my back. Until he says something about our friendly neighborhood freshwater man eating sharks. Great. I glance at Noah and see him looking at me. I can tell we're thinking the same thing. My new found insane uncle is trying to kill them.

Gwen and Owen start running. After a few minutes everyone goes over to the 2nd stage, I pull out my IPod and turn on wake me up to calm down.

"your a good singer" I turn to see my friends looking at me. It was Noah who spoke.

"Thanks" I blush and open up my book, Out of sight out of time by Ally Carter and start reading until Owen's almost across before noticing that they stopped. "why did they...?" That's when I notice Justin's shirt is off. I go up to Heather bitch slap her and throw Justin his shirt.

Trent steps in front of Justin and breaks their trances. I run to the start and sit on the bench to see Gwen winning, Owen crawling, and Trent rolling a rock? why is he rolling a rock? Never mind, I don't want to know the answer.

Gwen's stand was the only stand cheering. that is until Izzy's plan is put into action. Lindsey holds the fan the wrong way at 1st but then after blowing Heather's wig off, the latter yelling at the former about it until she gets locked in the confessional by Leshawna. the confessional Owen stunk up bad. (Haha, karma rules sometimes!) Lindsey turns around the fan and the fan blows the brownie's that Izzy brough smell to Owen, making him cross the finish line 1st.

~~ hey guys! I'm hyped up on Nerds and Pixy sticks. It was the only thing that I had that I didn't have to cook. as you can tell from that I can't cook at all.

Tomorrow I'm going up to Cedar point tomorrow cuz my dad managed to get free tickets. But it sucks cuz I'm afraid of heights, the only one in my family that is. My dad told my mom that he could have gotten an extra ticket for me to bring a friend (which I have a friend that's also afriad of heights.) But my mom told him that I wouldn't want to and never asked me! So I'm mad at my mom. -_-

I wanted to thank GiggleMaster and even though it was a long time ago, denae91 for the likes. I honestly was thinking that no one liked the story and actually was about to stop. So thank you guys!!!!

I was having trouble with this chapter.

Because I only had about an hour or 2 to write this on our laptop because my dad had to get on it so sorry about the crappy ending. And I want to know what your guys' favorite lines from the show mine is Heather's when they're in the cave "now that we've taken role call." Even though I dislike Heather that is a funny line.

Anyway keep doing what you wanna, kl3~~

(just added) I love this it reminds me of the good times I had during summer. hope ya love it kl3

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