the damage

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Alyssa's POV:

I see Neens jump off the boat after Katy falls off the dock. "Neens no! no! NO!!!!!! come back!" I sit down and cry. I can't swim so I can't jump in to. "No! NO KATY!!!!" I see a huge gash on Katy. I continue to cry until someone taps my shoulder. "No I'm not going back to the orphanage."

"this isn't an orphanage sweetie" I hear a boy say with half sarcasm. I look up to see Noah.

"Noah! Katy fell off the dock and has a huge gash on her head that's bleeding bad and Neens fainted! I'm so scared, what's wrong with them?" I hug him.

"Alyssa, I'm sure their fine. Come on, I'll so you your room." He holds my hand and brings me off the boat.

We walk up the dock to see a resort and people heading to the oat with a stretcher. I freeze up. Noah sees this and gives me a piggy back ride to the juice bar where everyone else is.

"Noah, did you see..?" a tan girl asks worried. 

"Lils slipped and fell off the dock, got a gash, Nina jumpped in and saved her, saw her big gash on her forehead, told everyone else and fainted." I start crying again as he tells them. they look at me sypathicly and Noah puts me down, While crouching down in front of me. "Come on, lets go check on them and check on them or we can always just wait for them to come." I nod. "you remind me of my little sister back home, Lucy." the others look shocked.

"Lucy Haden? your her brother, Noah? she told me that you where always sarcastic." His face is shocked. 

"You know my sister?"

"know? she's my best friend. I also already meet 3 out of 7of your brothers and sisters" 

"Wow you have seven brothers and sisters!" a boy in a beenie exclaims

"Eight and look guys their coming." we get up and I run towards them.

"Neens, Katy!"

"sweetie stand back" Noah pulls me away.

"Noah, Lyssie?" Katy wonders

"she's waking up!" a nurse calls and they roll her in what looks like a hospittal.

"Yes Katy It's me and Noah's here!"

"watch over her Noah for me" Katy asks and Noah nods.

a nurse comes and kicks us out, rude! Noah rings me to my room.

"this is your room my room is next to yours with the 9 on it, come in if you need anything." he leaves and I unpack.


I knock on Noah's door. "Noah? can I come in, I had a bad dream?" the door opens and a concerned Noah lets me in.

"Can I sleep on the couch tonight? I can't stand to be alone." he nods and I laydown and talk with Noah.

"She likes you too, Noah"


"my sister she likes you."

"oh we should get to sleep. I got a call earlier that she's getting let out tomorrow about 5 minutes ago."

"ok night Noah"

"Night Alyssa"

Lillie's POV:

They finally let me out and told me that I can't play anymore because of my stitchers. I walk to the room where I'm sharing with Alyssa, but she's not there. so I knock on door9 and Noah answers.

"Alyssa's Over there she had a nightmare" he explains and I nod gratefully. I decide to sit and talk to Noah until she wakes up.

"So  the thing was right, wow"

"I know, and there's no Heather." I laugh at his statement.

"That's so true, thanks for looking after her." I llok at my younger sister. "She shouldn't have to go through all of this at such a young age, she has more to worry about that I'd like her to and grew up to fast" I brush back a peice of her hair back. "I wish that she could just be a kid. she never got to be a kid. It's all my fault." I put my face in my hands adn sit on his bed. "It's all my fault!"

Noah sits next to me. "If It's your fault then I'm a rainbow" There's the sarcasm king. I chuckle

"no you're nyan cat!"

"who's that?"

I have a look of shock on my face and show him the video of nyan cat. 

"that was... interesting"

"I have scared you for life, you're welcome." I yawn and lean on his shoulder. "Sorry I'm just so tired."

"That's okay just go to sleep" and I did.


I woke up to a camera flash. 

"Aw they look so cute togather! they should totally go out!" someone says. I bury my head into my pillow more. Wait this isn't a pillow! that's when I remember that I fell asleep on Noah. well this will be akward.

"Will you guys be quite! you'll wake her up if you keep talking!" a voice scolds then Noah! 

"wow you like her alot!" Nina says. wait he does like me back!

"She's my best friend, of course I do!" Friend card, man!

"No you like her as more you told me" Alyssa stomps her foot.

"Will you all stop fighting! wow so we like eachother but I've only had about" I look at the clock "6 hours of sleep and am so tired. Also to be honest, Noah, you're a good pillow. I'm out." I lay back down and sleep for a couple of hours until Noah manages to wake me up.


"Lils get up. You've got to back to the island and I gotta eat."  I groan while I get up (and hit Noah-it-all upside the head when he laughed at me) "Oh and you can't tell them about the resort"

I just nod and walk in my room to get dressed. 

I  get changed then borad the boat of losers to go back.

"And here's your surprise. Come out Lillie!." Chris announces me and I strut out grumpily.

"why did you wake me up I only had 8 hours of sleep and almost murdered Katie, my twin, and Noah because they wanted to talk to me or Noah about a supposed relationship after 6 hours then 2 hours later to appear on the show again." Chris just laughs.

"Wait you were with Noah and Katie?"

"Yeah they came to see me" I dismissed it "and Chris you know I'm not allowed to play anymore"

"Fine! ruin my announcement" I roll my eyes and whistle for Mystery and she lands on my shoulder. 

"Hey Mystery follow the boat I leave on. guys I'm okay just some stitches and am pretty sure I gave them a concusion or 2 for giving me stitches." I innocently say the last part and everyone laughs at me. "now I'm suppose to be sleeping Doctors orders." I say goodbye and fall asleep once I get back. 

~~hey guys! I'm up dating now because tomorrow I have to go on a camping trip with my youth group until Thursday so this counts as tomorrows. and I'm also writing a new Hoa story which I have to finish.

I'm also going to the zoo. Why? I have no clue, but I am.

anyways keep doing what you wanna kl3~~

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