Playa Da Losers interveiw

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For my revenge I toke all his books and hid around them resort. He is still looking for them.

Me and Noah were sitting down on a bench, me on his lap, telling jokes every few minutes sipping on smothies with the twins, who are sitting next to us and staring at Justin when Chris arrives talking about something. Justin dives into the pool next to ours.

"oh he is so cute-ah!" Sadie falls and splashes us with water.

"get our shirts wet why don't you?" Noah voice turns to sarcasm.

"Noah be nice!" I swat him on his chest and he retalites by faking dropping me in the water. I scream and cling to him.

"ha ha ha you guys are adoreable and sorry Noah you guys should come in it's so nice! owe something bit me" Sadie pops up.

"was it a shark?" Katie asked pulling her feet up. I roll my eyes.

"sharks can't swim in chlorinated water brainac" Noah tells her.

"and you wouldn't have your leg" I add as Sadie say they were getting a seaweed wrap. 

"If It wasn't a shark what was it?" I roll my eyes at Katie and start to read with Noah as Izzy pops up.


"Look someone's bikini bottom!"

"How long until she realizes it's hers?" Noah asks me.

"3... 2.... 1!" I count down while Katie says that she thinks it's Izzy's.

Izzy looks underwater. "it is crap!" I cover both our eyes as she dives back under. I shrug and move so I'm sitting on the counter and play with Noah's hair while we start talking to him about whatever I think of.


Yeah I was pretty shocked to be the 3rd camper voted off, appearently I wasn't boosy, miniputive, or dangerous to get through but you can't say I wasn't a team player-"

"I can" I say ina sing-song voice and they probably are showing his clips in dodgeball.

He rolls his eyes "shut up!"

"Nope I won't" I grin. He starts to smirk and drops me in the water, making me scream. I swim behind him and hear him looking for me, then push him in. I get up onthe stool again while, laughing madly at him.

He takes off his shirt to dry it after climbing back up on the stool with me in his lap while we argue about books. We hear Courtney ranting about being unfairly kicked off and says that we're witnesses.

"Must have been to busy with Noah and missed it." I say as Noah says "must have missed that episode" then went back to fighting.


"I got a couple things from this" I say "I got to see my sisters again, a boyfriend, i'm more outgoing, friends, and I'm no longer depressed." I lay my head on Noah's shoulder.

"Did I get anything out of this expirence? no. It was completely and totally uneventful, besides Lils" Noah talks as I make funny faces at the camera from the counter, where I'm playing with Noah's hair. 

Izzy pops up with a harpoon gun with a fish at the end. "he kissed a guy and cuddled with Lillie!"

"no I didn't!"

"yes you did"



"DID not!"

"di-di-dida- dida-dida-did" Izzy sings. Not this Again! I look at Trent who nods at me, I grin.

"hehim" Trent starts "I can break this tie"

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