My Sucky Arrival\ I HATE CHRIS!!! part 2

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I see that DJ has arrvied and we are above him. "oh yeah DJ we have a surprise for you"  Chris announces I softly drop behind him, laying down, without making a sound, Mystery on my head. I whisper "Devie" as loud in his ear as I can which isn't that loud. I am jerked up as he screams and almost falls over. By the time he calms down, everyone is laughing hard with you. I keep hiding above him as he turns around. he looks around the place and asks in a freaked out voice "who was that?" Until he looks up sees me.

Everyone else is waiting to see what will happen. "Surprise" I whisper as DJ looks at me shocked then angry.

"Kaitlin how many times have I told you not to scare me?" he asks.

" I lost count and don't call me that!" I retort quietly as we have a stare down until I run up and hug him.

" Lillie what are you doing here?" He asks tightening his grip on me.

"I signed up to be with you, got in,and came to surprise you. I'm arranged the whole thing" I quietly explain in his ear. I let go just as Chris interrupts us.

"Can we get on with the show now?"

I nod while blushing and walk with DJ to the other contestants.

"Are you two dating?" a couple voices asks.

"Are you related?" others ask.

"if you asked if we are dating raise your hands" five people raise their hand

"if we are related" three people rasie their hands.

"DJ  you owe me 20 pay up"  he grumbles as he hands me the money

" dang Lillie your going to end up taking all of my money! Why did I agree to the bet? She's my adoptive sister." DJ explains for me. I sit down Indian style and read again to try and ignore the attention.

Chris introduces the last contestant and tells us to get together to take a picture. I set my iPod down and go to stand at the side next to a blond hair girl at the edge because the dock looks like it's going to break any second. I smile at the camera and wait for him to take the picture but he keeps on stalling. "okay, 1 2 3, oops. forgot the lens cap. OK hold that pose! 1 2 oh no wait the lens cap is full, hang on."  okay now i know he's planning something.

Grinning, I throw a bug at him as, l hear a girls voice complain "come on man my face is starting to freeze".  The bug lands on the camera and Chris drops it screaming. Like a girl too! 

"okay who threw that?!" he yells and looks at me instantly. "Lillie you did you do this?" 

Innocently i smile and point to Duncan, who was laughing to much to see me point at him.

"Duncan one more time and your in trouble. Now, smile!"

i go to smile for the picture but the dock breaks under my feet. i jump away back onto the none broken part of the dock.

"dang girl how'd ya do that?" leshwna asks me as everyone else complains that i didn't get wet. that is until chris's boat comes over to where I'm standing and he throws me off. stupid git. (harry potter reference) me being me, i not-so-gracefully fell in the water on top of Noah. Just my luck. i swim up to the surface. well, try i can't swim at all. Noah is starting to swim up to the surface until he turns and grabs me. We come up coughing our lungs out.

Well that was fun! note my sarcasm.

"why didn't you swim up to the surface? Can't you swim?"  he asks half annoyed.

"No, I can't swim. Thanks for saving me though." i muster out before DJ and Jus come over and see if I'm ok.

over-protective brothers/ like brothers you gotta love them sometimes.

"okay campers dry off and meet me at the campfire pit in 10" Chris tells us.

At least I know one thing.. I Hate Chris!!!!!!!!!!

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