The End of Dragon Ball Super

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Yes. Dragon Ball Super is ending and will end in March will 131 episodes. 

For those of you who haven't heard the news, there was a lot of talk going around in the Dragon Ball Community concerning a change in TV schedule for the Sunday morning Anime block in Japan. People had noticed that a show called "GeGeGe no Kitaro" was set to take Dragon Ball Super's place in the TV broadcast set in March, leading fans to speculate if this was the end of Dragon Ball Super. 

Unfortunately, the rumors are true. Dragon Ball Super seems to be ending, due to no announcement of a hiatus. The Kitaro Anime is set to take Super's place on April 1. And no it's not a prank. 

However, not all hope is lost. A new Dragon Ball movie is confirmed for 2018 and Son Goku is an ambassador for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. 

I was very excited for the revival of the series back in 2015, so I'm sad to see it go. 

Look for the new movie in 2018 and get ready to play some FighterZ. 


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