Highschool DxD: Gods

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As stated above, the title for the sequel to Highschool DxD: Legends will be Highschool DxD: Gods. 

In terms of writing, I am writing the first 3 chapters that will release when the book gets published, then I'll follow a biweekly upload schedule. For those wondering when Gods will come out, I would like to publish it by the end of next month. 

The reason for this long wait is that I'm trying a "different" approach in my writing style this time around. Considering how successful this book was, I'm trying to figure out certain ways to write that will deliver the most satisfying experience and ending.  

This newer form of writing is significantly slowing me down, but I know that this method will be able to make more people happier. I'm trying to stay away from the usual "Reader-Insert God Complex" kind of thing that appears in most fanfics and branch out into new forms of storytelling. 

I hope you all come to enjoy Gods and continue to support my works. This couldn't be possible without all of you. 

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