Part 1

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- Your Pov-

You sat in the hotel you had rented, and sighed when you tossed your controller aside. No matter how many times you play this stupid level, it never gets easier. And you never have managed to get that 'S Rank' on the battle with Kaguya. But, you sighed. Things couldn't be too bad. You were in Texas, which was something crossed off your bucket list. Some comic convention had invited you, since you were become a rising star in the world of fighting games. And, your web comic that you published had started getting more and more attention. All in all, things had been looking up for you. The one nagging doubt in the back of your mind was that you wished your childhood friend Jessica had been here to share this with you. Over time, the two of you had drifted apart. You still called her a lot, and talked with her. But the last time you had seen her in person had been ages ago.

As you thought this, your phone rang. Looking over, you went to grab it, expecting maybe a call from your mother, or your sister. However, your eyes widened with shock when you saw it was from Jessica. It was the good kind of surprise, but still. You figured since you were in Texas right now, the two of you would be in different time-zones. However, you were happy and answered the phone call. " Hey Jess," you said, neutrally as you could.

" Hey (y/n)," she says, her signature enthusiasm present in her voice. You smiled at the sound of it, and tried to mentally kick yourself. If it was going between the two of you, then it would have been years ago. She wasn't interested in you, and it was about time you got to a point where you could say you had no feelings for her and mean it earnestly.

" I heard you were in Texas," she says, getting more and more excited. Your eyes furrow with confusion, since you had just gotten in today. And, you had never told her you were in Texas for the convention. " Why didn't you tell me," she asks, a mix of angry and thrilled.

" Uh, because I just got in today," you tell her, which is true. " And, never mind that. How did you even know I'm in Texas?"

" I looked you up online because I wanted to see how you were doing as an e-sports player, and it said that you had been invited to the convention down in Austin. I figured you would accept that offer, and so I decided to take a chance on saying you were in Texas when I called. And, you didn't tell me you had launched your web comic!"

" I just launched it the other day," you told her, which was true. " I did plan on telling you all of this, I just had to take the plane to get to Texas. Plus, I didn't want you to get your hopes up. I mean, the comic is probably going to flop."

" Don't say that (y/n)," she says, this time with encouragement on her voice. This made you smile, and also blush. Again though, you tried to kick yourself mentally, and start to see her only as a friend. " I read the first issue, and it was great. I really do hope you continue with it, and I know you're going to do well in this e-sport tournament."

The two of you talk for awhile, and it goes back and forth. It feels like she's in the same room as you, if it weren't for the ocean of distance that was between the two of you. That wall that had kept you two apart for so long. As you have this thought, she gets really excited. " Oh, I bet you're wondering why I called."

You consider saying something sarcastic, but you are genuinely curious. " I'm moving to Texas," she says, and you wait for the April Fools or something like that. However, she seems dead serious, and your eyes widen. " Isn't that awesome," she asks. You tell her of course it's awesome, and then you ask her why she's moving.

" Okay, so you know Roosterteeth right," she asks, and you tell her of course you do, having watched Red vs Blue with her back in school. " They're starting this new show called RWBY. I don't know a lot about it yet, but they want me to voice a character named Cinder. So, I'm moving to Austin to work at their studio."

" Holy crap," you say excited. " That is awesome! When are you coming in?" She starts to giggle, like she's about to drop a bombshell on you. Her excitement is infectious, and then she starts giggling more and more.

" Tomorrow night," she says happily, before getting a bit more serious. " I need someone to pick me up from the airport. Some of the people from Roosterteeth have offered to pick me up, but since I figured out you were in Texas. Do you want to pick me up? We haven't seen each other in years, and that would be amazing."

" Yeah, of course I'll pick you up," you tell her, and she starts to giggle. The two of you talk for hours, before you need to get some sleep thanks to jet-lag. You hang up the phone, seconds away from telling you you loved her, like she was a girlfriend about to visit from a long distance relationship.

Ending the call with her, you sigh and then call one of your best friends from New York, where you had been previously living. " Hey Callum. Are you and Victoria still looking for a house? Yeah, okay. Listen, I'm moving to Texas. You have the spare key to my house? Yeah, okay you can move in."

" Thank you so much," he says. " But, why the sudden choice to move to Texas? I thought you were only there for the e-sports league and the convention. You never even said goodbye to any of us."

" I know it's sudden," you admit. " But, I had to go see about a girl." You know this will make him understand, since the two of you have a rule that you can only quote Good Will Hunting when it's a serious situation.

The next day is a blur, and you find yourself waiting at the airport. Hours pass, and eventually you hear a familiar voice, more beautiful in person. Looking up, you see Jessica waving at you. And you know right away. You're not letting her slip away from you this time.

Jessica Nigri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now