Part 11

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-Jessica Pov-

(y/n) sits across from me on the table, and I watch as he draws in a shaky breath. " I'm sorry," he says eventually, ending the tense silence that had settled in between the two of us. I'm glad he spoke first. Right now, I don't trust my voice to not give out on me if I say anything. " I didn't mean to lose my temper with you, and I didn't mean to hurt you. You have to believe me Jess, that is never something I would ever want to do."

" I believe you," I manage to tell him, keeping my voice even. " And, I didn't mean to get as angry as I did either." He nods at this, and I see him sniffle, which surprises me. I've never seen him cry before. " But, we still need to talk about it," I remind him, and he nods.

" Can we make a rule," he asks, and I gesture for him to continue. " Not just for this argument, but for all our arguments in the future. Can we make it a rule that we can stop the argument if we get too angry? I don't want to say anything I can't take back and lose you because of it. It doesn't mean the argument will be over, but just taking pauses to calm down. Because, I don't wanna lose you."

" That sounds amazing," I tell him. " I don't want to lose you either. But, we need to have this discussion now. I need you to tell me something, so I'm on the same page with you about all of this. Do you have a problem with me cosplaying?"

" I don't. I know it's something you absolutely love to do, and I never wanna tell you to not go after the things you love. I love seeing you happy, and doing the things you enjoy," he says, and I watch his face, and manage a small smile when I see how much he really means each and every word of it.

" Thank you. I just want you to know for the record I would never try and stand in the way of your passions either. Something else I need to know. Do you think I'm a slut for the way I dress in some of the cosplay?" My voice catches when I say that, and I try my best to keep in control. However, any semblance of that fades when (y/n) reaches over to stroke my cheek.

" No," he says, earnestly and honestly. " I love you Jessica. And, I would never use that word to describe you, or hell any woman. What I was trying to say makes me uncomfortable to think how many guys look at you in a sexual manner, like you're an object. I check your Instagram sometimes, and I see so many idiots saying they wanna smash. It makes me wanna punch them in the face. All I wanted to say is that if we have a family together, I would just feel more comfortable if you dressed a little more conservatively."

" I appreciate you being honest with me," I tell him, and he nods. " There are some cosplays I want to do that can't be done conservatively. But, if you want, you and I can work something out, so you can tell me if you feel uncomfortable."

" Thank you so much for that," he says. " I mean, I never want to be possessive of you. I don't want to be controlling. If you wanna wear something, I don't wanna be the one who tells you no. But, thank you so much. I wanted to tell you: I think you're beautiful no matter what you wear."

He smiles at me, and then I wipe a tear from his face. " Thank you," I tell him. " Can we be done with this stupid argument? I love you, and I don't want to fight you on anything, especially not this."

" I hate arguing with you also. Yes, we can be done with this stupid argument. I'm sorry I....forget it," he says, and then he stands up and opens his arms. Smiling, I pull him into a hug, and squeeze him tight.

The two of us sit and eat dinner together, making small conversation along the way, and then he reaches over to hold my hand, and I give it a squeeze. " Do you want to plan a couple's cosplay," I ask. " We're doing a panel, and they want me to cosplay."

" I would love to. I've never done anything like that before, but I would love to. Did you have anything in mind for it," he asks, and then I just shrug.

" I dunno. I was feeling like cosplaying as Black Cat. Did you wanna be Black Suit Spiderman," I ask, and then he nods, and the two of us go back to eating together, and then holding hands. Any anger we had with the other earlier is long gone, taking comfort in the presence of the other.

" I love you Jess," he says. " I just wanted you to know that I'm going to be with you through everything that comes our way."

" I love you too," I tell him, and then smile and stand up. I hold out my hand to him, and he takes it and I help him up. " Come on," I tell him. " The sun is starting to set. You and I always used to watch the sunset together, and I missed doing that with you."

Nodding, he follows me into our backyard, and then sets up our chairs, and he reaches his hand for mine. I take it, and then the two of us sit in content silence, and then watch the sunset together, hand in hand, ready to make our future together. 

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