Part 2

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-Jessica Pov-

Getting off the plane, I stretch and do my best to work the stiffness out of my body. Walking off, I carry a few bags, although the vast majority of my things are being shipped to me. All I have with me is essentials for the next couple of weeks until the rest of my things arrive, and my equipment so I can cosplay at the Roosterteeth panel so they can introduce me as a member of the Roosterteeth family. As I wait for baggage claim, I find one of the metal pillars, and use it as a mirror to brush my hair, and make sure it looks nice. I don't know why I'm so nervous. It's just (y/n). I used to see him everyday, and I talk with him all the time. With Skype, and Facebook. It isn't as though I forgot what he looked like, and I know in some of our video calls, I know I haven't looked perfect. He's seen me look like a mess before. But, something has me compulsively fixing my hair, trying to look as a close to perfect as I can. I try and justify it by saying he and I are seeing each other in person for the first time in years, and it counts for something.

After baggage claim, I see him standing, looking around for me, and it makes me take a step back. His hands rest in his pocket, and his ( hair color) hair blows a little bit in the wind. His ( eye color) eyes survey the room, and I find myself staring for a little bit. He sees me, and gives one of his signature smiles. It lights up the room, and it seems so much brighter than it does in the calls. It takes me a solid few minutes to blink my eyes, stop staring and make my way over to him. Even with my bags in my hand, I find myself running to him, and he smirks. When I jump at him, he catches me. He spins me around, and then sets me down. I giggle when he does this, and then he pulls me into a hug.

I find myself blushing, and setting down my bags to wrap my arms around him. In the time we've been apart, he's become buffer, and I find myself working harder to hold onto him fully. His chin rests on my head, and his familiar warmth radiates from him. I find myself realizing how much I missed his hug, and being in his arms. This warmth makes me realize, just how much I missed being with him in person. For all the wonders of technology, it could never let him hug me, and let me feel this warm.

He pulls away after a few minutes, and then gives his bright smile. I find myself blushing, which shocks me. I always thought his smile was amazing, but I never found myself realizing all the small details of it. The way his eyes light up, before the smile gets too big and his eyes close. His small laugh when he smiles. I kick myself. Even if he and I could work out, this is our first time seeing each other face to face since high school.

(y/n) smiles again, and then reaches to pick up one of my bags. " I called a taxi," he says, and then I realize just how different his voice sounds in person. " Do you have the address of the place you're staying? If not we can just hang out at my place for a little bit."

I take a minute to fish something out of my pocket, and then dial the number for the hotel Roosterteeth rented for me. After the call ends, I hang up and sign. I place my phone in my pocket, and turn to (y/n). " Okay so. I made a bit of a mistake with the timezone difference, and it turns out my hotel won't be ready for tomorrow. I need to see if someone from Roosterteeth will let me stay with them."

For a few seconds, (y/n) nods, and then seems like he's thinking about something. He starts to rub the back of his neck, and then sighs. " Uh, do you wanna stay at my place for tonight? It's kinda small, kinda crappy. But, it'll do. If not, then we can wait for a bit while you find someone from the office to stay with."

" Oh sure," I tell him, trying to sound nonchalant about it. A part of me had been hoping he would offer, but I wasn't sure if he would be so quick to offer. I wonder why he seemed so nervous about it, but shrug it off as him wondering if he and I were still that close. He helps me with my bags, and then steps into the taxi with me. After a bit of a drive, he offers me his arm, and walks into the hotel room with me. He apologizes for the condition of it, referencing the relatively small size of the room, and how much space my bags takes up.

He and I sit around talking for hours. When he laughs, I find my heart skipping a beat, which I didn't know was actually a thing. Eventually, he and I find ourselves tired out of our minds, due to jet lag. He stands up. " Okay. I only have one bed, so I can go out an get an air mattress. You can have the bed."

" It's fine. We can both sleep on the bed," I find myself saying before I even have the time to think about what I'm saying. He looks at me confused, and I manage to give a shrug, and try to play it off. " I mean, why not? We're both tired, and you'll use the air mattress like once. We've shared beds before, and it was never weird."

He nods at my answer, and then I go into the bathroom to change into pajamas. I come out, and he's setting up a line of pillows in the middle of the bed, which makes me smile. I climb into bed, and he joins me, on the other side of the pillows. Like always, he falls asleep right away, and I toss and turn. However, after a few minutes, he rolls over the line of pillows, and wraps his arms around me. I find myself blushing at this, and then settle down. Like always, he radiates warmth, and I find myself growing drowsy in his arms. Within a few moments after, I nuzzle closer to him, and fall asleep right away.

Jessica Nigri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now