Part 12

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-Jessica Pov-

I sit on the couch, and I smile as (y/n) reads from a children's book to the bump forming in my stomach, our two twins, Samantha and Mason. The first trimester is drawing to a close, and the two of us have been through a lot. The hormone imbalances brought on by pregnancy, as well as the weird cravings I have for food, and the fact both of us tend to have quick tempers. But, I find myself thankful whenever I see him struggle to keep his tongue in check. I thank God whenever I see him leave a room to calm down, instead of exploding and saying whatever hurtful thing he has in mind, and I love him for how much he's trying to be calmer. I doubt the temper he has will ever go away completely. But, I see him trying to so hard to calm it, and I love him for the effort he's putting in for me, for our family. I giggle when I think that, when I think that he and I are going to have a family together. It seems like a lifetime ago when we would sit on swings and play the Pokemon Card Game, and yet it also seems like it was just yesterday.

When (y/n) finishes the book, he sits down next to me on the couch, and pulls out his laptop, and begins to send out some emails. I ask him what they're about, and he takes a break to turn to me. " Well, you have the paper with the rough estimate of when they're going to be born right? I'm just letting some of my closest friends and my family know when it is, that way they can be here for it. I won't invite anyone you don't wanna be there though." I nod at this answer, and then he sends a few more emails.

We sit in silence, and then (y/n) turns to me. " Do you wanna go on a date sweetheart? We haven't had time to go on one in a while. We're always busy with work, and then getting everything ready for the twins, we've been running around like headless chickens. So, how does it sound to just go on a nice date?"

" That would be lovely," I tell him. " Give me sometime to get ready. It always takes me awhile, and that was before the baby bump." We both laugh at the joke, and then he assures me that I'm still beautiful. " Well, aren't you a charmer? Seriously though, give me some time." He nods, and then starts to play something on the PS4.

I take the time to put on a nice black dress, somewhere between semi-casual and formal. When I come out, (y/n) still hasn't moved from the couch, which makes me chuckle. However, I start to feel worried about being late, and so I ask him to get ready, even though I know it only takes him a few minutes. He looks up, and then nods, pausing the game, and then gets up, and then goes to get dressed. When we comes out with a nice suit and tie on, I begin to wonder if I'm not dressed well enough, but he tells me it'll be fine.

The two of us catch a taxi, and then talk all the way there, having a nice conversation, just remembering things from our childhood. When the taxi parks, (y/n) goes to open the door for me, as if we were going to one of the school dances together. I smile at this, and then the two of us walk in to an Italian restaurant.

(y/n) begins to banter with the waiter in Italian, which surprises me. He never told me he was fluent in Italian. The both of them chuckle as they continue to talk, and then the waiter reaches over, and places a hand on (y/n)'s shoulder, and says something else, which makes them laugh.

" I don't need luck, I have her," (y/n) says, switching back to English, making me wonder what the conversation had been about. The waiter nods in approval of his answer, and then (y/n) takes a moment to get serious again. " Table for two please." With that, the waiter takes us both to our seats, leaving me more confused than I was before, and with more questions than answers.

The two of us sit down, and then begin to eat dinner together. When it ends, (y/n) and the waiter nod at each other, and then I haven't figured out what it is still, so I decide to ask. " I told the waiter you and I were newly-weds, and he said he'd give us the meal on the house."

Before I can ever get the words out about how he and I aren't newly-weds, and then (y/n) gets that look in his eye, like when he knows something I don't. With that, he gets down on one knee, and pulls out a jewelry box.

" Jessica Nigri. When we were kids, I fell in love with you when to me the word was I thought you were pretty. As we grew up, so did my definition of the word love, and each and every time, my feelings for you changed to meet them. We have been through a lifetime together, and my feelings for you have never changed. And with Sam and Mason on the way, I've been doing a lot of thinking. Every day I'm with you, I feel like the luckiest man in the world. So, would you make me the luckiest of them all once more and marry me?"

Tears of joy well in my eyes, and I force myself to realize this is real, and I'm not making this up. " Yes," I say when I know for sure it's real, and so I tackle-hug him to the ground, and begin to make out with him on the spot.

( let me know what you thought.)  

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