Part 20

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-Jessica Pov-

I smile to myself as I wake up in the morning. I notice that (y/n) isn't in the bed, and then I focus for a few moments and then I can smell the sound of food being cooked downstairs, which makes me smile. Even if he can normally sleep for an incredibly long time, it's nice that he goes out of his way from time to time to do things like this for me, and it makes me feel so loved. I look down to see that Samantha and Mason are cuddling with each other, which makes me really happy to see. When the two of them wake up, I'll be sure to breastfeed them, and then we can officially start our day.

Thinking, I carefully pick up the twins, careful not to wake them up or move them, since the two of them look so adorable when the two of them are cuddling with each other. I then start to head down the stairs, and I smile when the smell of all my favorite breakfast foods hits me. It makes me happy that he remembered what my favorites are, and then I sit down on the couch, and put the twins on my lap.

As usual, Mason is the first of the two of them to wake up, and then he reaches for my shirt, letting out soft cries of hunger. Nodding, I pick him up and smile brightly at him. " Mommy's here," I promise him and then he smiles and his cries stop. I then begin to breastfeed him, and then just as I finish, Samantha wakes up so I feed her. I then carry the two of them over to (y/n), just as he finishes putting eggs on a plate. " Good morning babe."

" Morning sweetheart," he says with a smile, and then he stops to plant a kiss on both Samantha and Mason's heads, as the two of them giggle happily as they see their father. He then plants a kiss on my lips, and when he releases, he smiles brightly at me. " I can hold the two  of them for a little bit if you want to eat the breakfast I cooked for you." I nod at his offer, and then gently hand him the twins, who he takes and then holds with a smile on his face. I then go and sit down, and then begin to eat the wonderful meal he cooked for me.

Every so often as I eat, I look over to the couch and smile at what I see, which is (y/n) going through a photo album, which I know he's kept for years, and the picture are anything from me and him being children, all the way up to the day the two of them were born. The two of them look at it curiously, fascinated with it. " The two of you are so lucky. Jessica is going to be an amazing mother to the the world to the both of you," he says, as both of them nod, and it melts my heart in the best way.

I then finish what I had been eating, and then I make my way over to the three of them. I plant kisses on both of the twin's foreheads, and then one on (y/n)'s lips and then I sit next to them and wrap an arm around (y/n). " And you also have the best father in the world. He's been my best friend forever, and I just know he's going to be an amazing father to both of you," I tell them, and they nod again, which makes (y/n) beam brightly, which makes me smile.

" Today we need to figure some stuff out," he tells me, and then I nod. " We need to pick their godparents today, and then we also should find a nanny for the two of them when your maternity leave runs out. And then we should also figure out if we want to take them to RTX this year, and then also what we want to do for our costumes for that." I nod and then smile, happy to be working and deciding these important things with him.

" Well, luckily the good thing about working with RT is that we really are all a family. I'm sure none of them would mind watching the two of them if we asked them to, but a full time nanny should be something we pick also. I think it could be someone from RT, or we could find someone else," I offer, and then he nods. " When it comes to RTX, I would love to bring the two of them. There's plenty of security at the event, and it would be perfectly safe. We would just need to keep an eye out, more than usual."

He nods in agreement, which makes me smile and then I think for a little bit about his last question to me. It makes me smile to think the two of us have come so far, where me cosplaying is something he accepts. I still remember one of our worst fights having been about that, and it makes me smile to think the two of us are now on the same page about it. " I was thinking we could do something RWBY themed. I was kinda thinking maybe we could do something with Ghira and Kali? Or maybe Qrow and Summer."

" We have plenty of time to decide," he says, and then I nod and he kisses my forehead, and then he pulls out a tape. " In the meantime, do you want to watch this? This is our wedding tape, so I was thinking we could show the children," he says, and then I nod rapidly. This makes him smile and he pecks my lips, before walking to put it in. Once he does, he sits next to me, and I smile brightly at him, ready to watch this with him and my family.

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