Part 10

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-Your Pov-

You sit with Jessica on the couch, scrolling through channels on the TV. Eventually, you sigh and turn it off, tossing the remote into the corner of the room. " Nothing good is ever on," you mumble, and then she agrees with you. She eats from a jar of pickles, one of the weird cravings that was brought on by her pregnancy. You just smile at this, loving her so much. She sees you staring, and then blushes before looking away. She tells you it's rude to stare, which makes you laugh. " Yeah, but you're beautiful," you tell her.

The two of you engage in a conversation for a bit, before you ask a question that's been on your mind for a little bit. " Hey Jess, when we have Samantha and Mason, are you going to keep cosplaying as much,"you ask.

" Of course," she says. " I mean, I am going to wait until some of the pregnancy fat goes away, and I want to spend a lot of time with them before I go out on long trips to different conventions. But, hopefully I can go back to cosplaying in a decent amount of time. Why?"

" I was just wondering. Luckily, the two of us both work out of Roosterteeth, so I can stay here while you go on conventions. But, are you still going to do the same style of cosplay you do? Or is it going to start being a little more conservative?"

" Same style as always," she says, a little bit of irritation climbing into her voice. " It's just what I do (y/n). Cosplaying is my passion, and I would never give it up for anything. Obviously, Sam and Mason will come first, but I'm still going to cosplay."

" I would never ask you to give it up. I'm just asking if you think it might be a good idea to dress a bit differently than you do now for cosplay is all I'm saying." Clearly this is not the right thing to say, as she sets her jaw, and you see pure irritation creep into her eyes.

" How I dress for cosplay now? Like a slut? Is that what you're trying to imply? That I dress like a slut," she asks, and then you hold up your hands defensively.

" I'm not saying you dress like a slut Jessica," you say. " I'm just saying the way you dress gets people's attention, men and women. It might not be the best example to set when we have children together. Especially for Sam."

" I get what you're saying," she says angrily. " You don't want Sam to grow up and dress like a slut, just like her mother. Because to you, Jessica Nigri is a slut." Forget irritated, she's pissed as all hell. You've never seen Jessica this irritated before, at least not at you.

" I'm not calling you a slut Jess," you say again. " I'm saying there are people who do call you that. I'm saying, maybe it isn't okay for you as a mother to walk around practically naked. Maybe, that isn't the example you want to be setting."

" You didn't mind me walking around almost naked the night we conceived Sam and Mason," she says angrily. " And it shouldn't matter how I dress for cosplay, or what other people say. I care what you say, and right now it sounds like you're calling me a slut, and saying if I set a bad example, then Samantha is going to grow up to be a whore!"

" I'm not saying that Jess! For the love of god, would you listen to me?! All I'm saying is that the way you dress for cosplay or anything is going to set an example for Sam. Whenever you post a picture of yourself on Instagram, it gets thousands of likes, and comments from people saying they would tap it. I don't want that to be something Sam grows up hearing."

" No, I get it now," she says, so angry that she's actually calmed down. " This isn't about anything else. You think because all those guys on Instagram say that, that I must be a slut. You're just jealous of the fact that I hooked up with people before you, and the fact that people want to hook up with me. That's what this is about. You want me to feel bad that my first time with you wasn't my first time. Because anyone who doesn't lose their virginity to someone they love is a slut to you. Isn't that right (y/n)?!"

" Fuck this," you say, tired of being misquoted. You turn around, and then start to leave the room. She asks you where you think you're going, and then you turn around to glare at her. " Out," you say simply, before slamming the door behind you, and then going for a drive to clear your head.

-Jessica Pov-

When (y/n) leaves, I feel tears well in my eyes, and then I break down crying. I hate arguing with him, I always have. He always knows exactly what to say to make me feel bad. Ever since he and I got together, a part of me has always been worried he has a part of him that thinks I'm a whore since I dress for cosplay.

It isn't that I love being objectified. But, I'm passionate about cosplay, and yes there is a part of me that enjoys the looks I get. But, I don't cosplay for that. I cosplay for enjoyment. I start to cry as I think about (y/n) leaving me, leaving Sam and Mason. What if he leaves and never comes back?

A few hours later I stop crying. I sniffle and then try to focus long enough to cook dinner. However, I start to cry again, and then I hear the rattling of the door. Eventually, it opens and (y/n) walks into the kitchen, an apologetic look on his face. His arms are opened for a hug, but I smack him on the face. " I deserved that," he admits.

I smack him again and again, putting less force into each time. Eventually, I just break down and bury myself into his chest, and cry as he holds me. " I thought you were going to leave me," I choke out, and then he begins to rub back and forth.

" I'm never going to leave you," he says. " I'm sorry."

" We can talk about it later," I say through the lump in my throat. " Just shut up and hold me for now."

" Always," he says simply.

( let me know what you thought. Next chapter deals with them making up.)

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